Title of diploma work: Biographical study of sports career of the Olympian Dana Zátopková Student: Alena Chocholová Supervisor: PhDr.Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D Aim: To evaluate, describe and monitor sports career of Dana Zátopková within a biographical study. Methods: The work was divided into four main parts. The ftrst part contains detailed and complete summary of all articles written about Dana Zátopková during her sixteen-year career. Because of seriousness, I chose daily newspaper Mladá fronta which started to be published in 1945 and was published without interruption until 1961. I statistically processed an amount of articles in a year, categorized articles according to pre-determined criteria and found out frequency of authors writing about ...
This diploma thesis discusses the process of celebritization of sportsmen. This phenomenon is illust...
Title: The age profile of the best swimmers in the Czech Republic between 2000 to 2004. Aim of the d...
Title: Career Efficiency of the Czech junior national teams swimmers in years 1999-2004 Objective of...
Title: Biographical Study ofJan Železný's Sports Career Student: Jan Volf Supervisor: PhDr. Aleš Kap...
Title: The evaluation of sports career of the runner Jarmila Kratochvílová from 1980 to 1984 Student...
4 Abstract Tittle (Thema works): Perception of Emil Zatopek's personality in the Czech press in the ...
Title: Sports career biography of Imrich Bugár Objectives: The main aim of this paper is to evaluate...
Title: Analysis of sports career decathlon athlete Tomáš Dvořák Objectives: The goal of the bachelor...
Tato bakalářská práce umožňuje lépe poznat pana Mgr. Vlastimila Zwiefelhofera, významného českoslo...
Cílem mé bakalářské práce bylo přiblížit celou sportovní kariéru Barbory Strýcové od dětství až do s...
This Bachelor thesis focuses on research of the image of Czechoslovak ice-hockey goalkeeper Bohumil ...
Title: Compentency profile of tennis coach from the point of player's view Objectives: The main obje...
The bachelor thesis "Celebritization of athletes in the media by the example of cross-country skier ...
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na život Andrey Sestini Hlaváčkové od dětství přes sportovní kariéru až...
Tittle: Success Evaluation of the individual game activities on the positions Universal of eight bes...
This diploma thesis discusses the process of celebritization of sportsmen. This phenomenon is illust...
Title: The age profile of the best swimmers in the Czech Republic between 2000 to 2004. Aim of the d...
Title: Career Efficiency of the Czech junior national teams swimmers in years 1999-2004 Objective of...
Title: Biographical Study ofJan Železný's Sports Career Student: Jan Volf Supervisor: PhDr. Aleš Kap...
Title: The evaluation of sports career of the runner Jarmila Kratochvílová from 1980 to 1984 Student...
4 Abstract Tittle (Thema works): Perception of Emil Zatopek's personality in the Czech press in the ...
Title: Sports career biography of Imrich Bugár Objectives: The main aim of this paper is to evaluate...
Title: Analysis of sports career decathlon athlete Tomáš Dvořák Objectives: The goal of the bachelor...
Tato bakalářská práce umožňuje lépe poznat pana Mgr. Vlastimila Zwiefelhofera, významného českoslo...
Cílem mé bakalářské práce bylo přiblížit celou sportovní kariéru Barbory Strýcové od dětství až do s...
This Bachelor thesis focuses on research of the image of Czechoslovak ice-hockey goalkeeper Bohumil ...
Title: Compentency profile of tennis coach from the point of player's view Objectives: The main obje...
The bachelor thesis "Celebritization of athletes in the media by the example of cross-country skier ...
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na život Andrey Sestini Hlaváčkové od dětství přes sportovní kariéru až...
Tittle: Success Evaluation of the individual game activities on the positions Universal of eight bes...
This diploma thesis discusses the process of celebritization of sportsmen. This phenomenon is illust...
Title: The age profile of the best swimmers in the Czech Republic between 2000 to 2004. Aim of the d...
Title: Career Efficiency of the Czech junior national teams swimmers in years 1999-2004 Objective of...