Social media being a prolific source of rumours, stance classification of individual posts towards rumours has gained attention in the past few years. Classification of stance in individual posts can then be useful to determine the veracity of a rumour. Research in this direction has looked at rumours in different domains, such as politics, natural disasters or terrorist attacks. However, work has been limited to in-domain experiments, i.e. training and testing data belong to the same domain. This presents the caveat that when one wants to deal with rumours in domains that are more obscure, training data tends to be scarce. This is the case of mental health disorders, which we explore here. Having annotated collections of tweets around rumo...
Stance classification has been a popular research topic. The target of my research is to build a mod...
The emergence of the Internet as a ubiquitous technology has facilitated the rapid evolution of soci...
Tools that are able to detect unverified information posted on social media during a news event can ...
Stance classification determines the attitude, or stance, in a (typically short) text. The task has ...
In the last years social networks have emerged as a critical mean for information spreading bringing...
The spread of social media has led to a massive change in the way information is dispersed. It provi...
This paper describes team Turing’s submission to SemEval 2017 RumourEval: Determining rumour veracit...
Social media communications are becoming increasingly prevalent; some useful, some false, whether un...
With the rapid growth of social media in the past decade, the news are no longer controlled by just ...
Fang, HuiThe rapid development of the Internet has already helped the social media become a signific...
This paper explores the dynamics of justification in the wake of a rumor outbreak on social media. S...
While social networks can provide an ideal platform for up-to-date information from individuals acro...
Despite the increasing use of social media platforms for information and news gathering, its unmoder...
This study seeks to identify the key traits of rumours on online social networks such as Twitter and...
Rumour stance classification, defined as classifying the stance of specific social media posts into ...
Stance classification has been a popular research topic. The target of my research is to build a mod...
The emergence of the Internet as a ubiquitous technology has facilitated the rapid evolution of soci...
Tools that are able to detect unverified information posted on social media during a news event can ...
Stance classification determines the attitude, or stance, in a (typically short) text. The task has ...
In the last years social networks have emerged as a critical mean for information spreading bringing...
The spread of social media has led to a massive change in the way information is dispersed. It provi...
This paper describes team Turing’s submission to SemEval 2017 RumourEval: Determining rumour veracit...
Social media communications are becoming increasingly prevalent; some useful, some false, whether un...
With the rapid growth of social media in the past decade, the news are no longer controlled by just ...
Fang, HuiThe rapid development of the Internet has already helped the social media become a signific...
This paper explores the dynamics of justification in the wake of a rumor outbreak on social media. S...
While social networks can provide an ideal platform for up-to-date information from individuals acro...
Despite the increasing use of social media platforms for information and news gathering, its unmoder...
This study seeks to identify the key traits of rumours on online social networks such as Twitter and...
Rumour stance classification, defined as classifying the stance of specific social media posts into ...
Stance classification has been a popular research topic. The target of my research is to build a mod...
The emergence of the Internet as a ubiquitous technology has facilitated the rapid evolution of soci...
Tools that are able to detect unverified information posted on social media during a news event can ...