Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan Azospirillum spp. dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kolonisasi akar tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) dalam medium pasir steril dan kemampuan beberapa isolat untuk menghasilkan IAA. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan Azospirillum spp. secara nyata meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Isolat IL2, IL3b, dan IL3c menunjukkan kemampuan tinggi terutama dalam meningkatkan tinggi tanaman. Isolat IL2 dan IL3b mampu menghasilkan IAA berturut-turut sebanyak 1,616 ppm dan 2,038 ppm
Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteri...
Tidal land area is considered as the most frigile ecosystems. To open this area as agricultural land...
Azospirillum sp. which has the ability for nitrogenfixation and phosphate solubilization may support...
Azospirillum merupakan bakteri tanah non patogenik yang bersifat Gram negatif dan salah satu Plant G...
Two greenhouse experiments had been conducted to study the effect of inoculation of some Azospirillu...
Azospirillum adalah salah satu genus terbaik dari kelompok genera plant growth-promoting rhiz...
Azospirillum merupakan bakteri tanah penambat nitrogen non simbiotik yang mampu menghasilkan zat tum...
Tingginya tingkat konsumsi beras di Indonesia yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan tingkat produksi ya...
Penerapan budidaya padi konvensional di Indonesia yang berlangsung sejak kebijakan revolusi hijau di...
Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteri...
Azotobacter sp. is a non-symbiotic bacteria that has the ability to mobilize nitrogen from a form th...
Swamp land in South Sumatra has a huge potential to be developed. In order to utilize the good micro...
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are a group of bacteria known to influence plant growth ...
. Widawati, S and Muharam, A 2012. The Laboratory Test of Azospirillum sp. Isolated from Several ...
Nitrogen (N) merupakan unsur makro yang diperlukan oleh tanaman. Bakteri Azotobacter sp. diketahui d...
Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteri...
Tidal land area is considered as the most frigile ecosystems. To open this area as agricultural land...
Azospirillum sp. which has the ability for nitrogenfixation and phosphate solubilization may support...
Azospirillum merupakan bakteri tanah non patogenik yang bersifat Gram negatif dan salah satu Plant G...
Two greenhouse experiments had been conducted to study the effect of inoculation of some Azospirillu...
Azospirillum adalah salah satu genus terbaik dari kelompok genera plant growth-promoting rhiz...
Azospirillum merupakan bakteri tanah penambat nitrogen non simbiotik yang mampu menghasilkan zat tum...
Tingginya tingkat konsumsi beras di Indonesia yang tinggi tidak diimbangi dengan tingkat produksi ya...
Penerapan budidaya padi konvensional di Indonesia yang berlangsung sejak kebijakan revolusi hijau di...
Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteri...
Azotobacter sp. is a non-symbiotic bacteria that has the ability to mobilize nitrogen from a form th...
Swamp land in South Sumatra has a huge potential to be developed. In order to utilize the good micro...
Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are a group of bacteria known to influence plant growth ...
. Widawati, S and Muharam, A 2012. The Laboratory Test of Azospirillum sp. Isolated from Several ...
Nitrogen (N) merupakan unsur makro yang diperlukan oleh tanaman. Bakteri Azotobacter sp. diketahui d...
Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteri...
Tidal land area is considered as the most frigile ecosystems. To open this area as agricultural land...
Azospirillum sp. which has the ability for nitrogenfixation and phosphate solubilization may support...