FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KECEMASAN PREOPERASI PADA PASIEN SECTIO CAESAREA di RUANG INSTALASIBEDAH SENTRAL RSUD KANJURUHAN KEPANJENKABUPATEN MALANGThe Factors Affecting Pre-Surgery Anxiety of Sectio Caesarea PatientsAhsan1, Retno Lestari2, Sriati31,2,3 Program Studi Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas BrawijayaJalan Veteran Malang 651451e-mail: ahsanfkub@yahoo.co
Surgical action is one of the potential and actual threats to the integrity of a person who can arou...
Background: Mothers who undergo labor with Sectio Caesarea operation can experience anxiety because ...
Labor is a normal physiological event experienced by a mother in the form of spending conception of ...
ABSTRACTIntroduction : Sectio caesarea is generally done when the vaginal delivery is not possible o...
Melahirkan normal atau operasi caesar akan menimbulkan efek psikologis bagi ibu dan keluarganya. kec...
AbstrakMenghadapi tindakan operasi sectio caesarea dapat menimbulkan kecemasan pada ibu hamil, kecem...
Anxiety is signal that disenchant themselves to take action overcome the threats. The action sectio ...
Background : Caearean section (SC) surgery is a medical procedure performed by tearing the abdominal...
Sectio Caesarea adalah suatu pembedahan guna melahirkan anak lewat insisi pada dinding abdomen dan u...
Operasi sectio caesarea merupakan suatu cara melahirkan janin dengan cara sayatan dinding uterus dep...
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the Anxiety of Preoperative S...
Caesarean section surgery often causes psychological problems in patients, namely fear that has an i...
Labor is a normal physiological event experienced by a mother in the form of spending conception of ...
Background - Cesarean section is an artificial labor where the fetus is born through an incision in ...
Latar Belakang. Sectio caesarea merupakan suatu persalinan buatan dimana janin dilahirkan melalui in...
Surgical action is one of the potential and actual threats to the integrity of a person who can arou...
Background: Mothers who undergo labor with Sectio Caesarea operation can experience anxiety because ...
Labor is a normal physiological event experienced by a mother in the form of spending conception of ...
ABSTRACTIntroduction : Sectio caesarea is generally done when the vaginal delivery is not possible o...
Melahirkan normal atau operasi caesar akan menimbulkan efek psikologis bagi ibu dan keluarganya. kec...
AbstrakMenghadapi tindakan operasi sectio caesarea dapat menimbulkan kecemasan pada ibu hamil, kecem...
Anxiety is signal that disenchant themselves to take action overcome the threats. The action sectio ...
Background : Caearean section (SC) surgery is a medical procedure performed by tearing the abdominal...
Sectio Caesarea adalah suatu pembedahan guna melahirkan anak lewat insisi pada dinding abdomen dan u...
Operasi sectio caesarea merupakan suatu cara melahirkan janin dengan cara sayatan dinding uterus dep...
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the Anxiety of Preoperative S...
Caesarean section surgery often causes psychological problems in patients, namely fear that has an i...
Labor is a normal physiological event experienced by a mother in the form of spending conception of ...
Background - Cesarean section is an artificial labor where the fetus is born through an incision in ...
Latar Belakang. Sectio caesarea merupakan suatu persalinan buatan dimana janin dilahirkan melalui in...
Surgical action is one of the potential and actual threats to the integrity of a person who can arou...
Background: Mothers who undergo labor with Sectio Caesarea operation can experience anxiety because ...
Labor is a normal physiological event experienced by a mother in the form of spending conception of ...