The word ‘Wakaf' (Benefaction) literally means Habs (‘to endow'). It is like what was said by a Waqafa Yafiqu Waqafan, which means Habasa Yahbisu Habsan. Meanwhile, in Islamic view, a Wakaf means to endow one's personal belongings or wealth and to grant its benefits in Allah's (God's) way. Cash wakaf is the wakaf made by an individual, a group of people, an institution or a legal entity in the form of cash. What is defined by ‘money' includes securities such as shares, cheque, etc. The law of cash wakaf is still in debate by scholars; some scholars allow it while some others do not. The scholars who allow the cash wakaf are Imam al – Zuhri and Hanafi Sect. On the other hand; the scholars who do not allow cash wakaf are Ibn Abidin and Syafi...