Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw terhadap prestasi belajar menulis ditinjau dari bakat verbal siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilaksanakan penelitian eksperimental di SMP Negeri 2 Amlapura. Rancangan penelitian ini mengikuti rancangan eksperimen post test only non-equivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua kelas VIII yang berjumlah 9 kelas. Pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan cara random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa siswa yang memiliki bakat verbal rendah cocok dalam belajar difasiitasi dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw.Kata Kunci : kooperatif Jigsaw, bakat verbal, pres...
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experiment, dengan desain penelitian non-equivalent group.Pen...
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the effect of Jigsaw type cooperative learning on the learning ou...
The purpose of this study to determine the use of Jigsaw learning model to improve the activity and ...
This research was aimed at determining the effect of Jigsaw learning model to students' verbal commu...
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigs...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model on oral...
Problems in this research was still low student learning result of social Sciences.This study aimed ...
AbstractThis study aims to find out the effectiveness of the Jigsaw cooperative learning used conven...
Writing is one of the language capability which study since elementary until university. Based on ob...
: This research aims to determine the increase of students learning outcomes by implementing jigsaw...
Abstract.A comparison of the students learning outcomes by using STAD cooperative model with a jigs...
This study aims to determine management the problem solving and enterpreneurship communication stud...
The problem in this research was the low learning result on students grade IV SD Negeri 2 Tambahrejo...
The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students’ writing poetry ability by ...
Dwi Irawan1, Triyono2, Warsiti3 1 Mahasiswa PGDS FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret Kampus VI Kebumen 2 ...
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experiment, dengan desain penelitian non-equivalent group.Pen...
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the effect of Jigsaw type cooperative learning on the learning ou...
The purpose of this study to determine the use of Jigsaw learning model to improve the activity and ...
This research was aimed at determining the effect of Jigsaw learning model to students' verbal commu...
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigs...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model on oral...
Problems in this research was still low student learning result of social Sciences.This study aimed ...
AbstractThis study aims to find out the effectiveness of the Jigsaw cooperative learning used conven...
Writing is one of the language capability which study since elementary until university. Based on ob...
: This research aims to determine the increase of students learning outcomes by implementing jigsaw...
Abstract.A comparison of the students learning outcomes by using STAD cooperative model with a jigs...
This study aims to determine management the problem solving and enterpreneurship communication stud...
The problem in this research was the low learning result on students grade IV SD Negeri 2 Tambahrejo...
The goal of this research is to describe the difference between students’ writing poetry ability by ...
Dwi Irawan1, Triyono2, Warsiti3 1 Mahasiswa PGDS FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret Kampus VI Kebumen 2 ...
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experiment, dengan desain penelitian non-equivalent group.Pen...
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the effect of Jigsaw type cooperative learning on the learning ou...
The purpose of this study to determine the use of Jigsaw learning model to improve the activity and ...