Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk) Berdasarkan Umur Pohon

  • Nugraha, R. (Reza)
  • Batubara, R. (Ridwanti)
  • Ginting, H. (Herawaty)
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Publication date
January 2015
University of North Sumatra


Utilization of agarwood leaves(Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) suspected contain a chemical compound of the flavonoids those are flavones, flavonol and isoflavones so that the leaves used as brewed beverages which serve as antioxidant.Based on that description, researcher interested in knowing the content of chemical compounds class and test the antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of agarwood leaves (A. malaccensis Lamk.). previous research does not regard age of the tree which is taken its leaves, so that it needed to review that based on the age of the tree. This research used the trees in age 4 and 7 years after those were planted in the field. This study aims to knowing chemical compounds class that contain in agarwood leaves (A. mal...

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