Human pressures on coastlines are increasing globally, particularly on urban beaches where maintenance of sand budgets and erosion control are the main focus of current shoreline management. By contrast, biological attributes are rarely considered and few, if any, ecological indicators are routinely monitored on beaches. Abundance of ghost crabs (genus Ocypode) generally responds predictably to human stressors, and is thus a potentially suitable ecological indicator for beaches. The crabs construct burrows with a single, prominent opening at the surface, and population sizes are commonly estimated by counting the number of these burrow openings. While such ‘burrow counts’ are attractive as a low-cost and simple monitoring technique, they ma...
Driving of off-road vehicles on beaches and coastal dunes is part of the recreational activity spect...
Recreational beach use with off-road vehicles is popular, but potentially harmful from an environmen...
Through field sampling, this study compares the ghost crab burrow densities acquired using a Fixed-A...
Sandy beaches comprise one of the most important coastal resources worldwide, providing habitats to ...
Sandy beaches are under pressure from expanding coastal populations, ribbon development in the costa...
Ghost crabs have been widely used as a bio-indicator species of human impacts on sandy beaches to ob...
Beach and coastal dune systems are increasingly subjected to a broad range of anthropogenic pressure...
Sandy beaches geographically dominate the globe’s shorelines. They critical ecosystem services, pro...
Beach and coastal dune systems are increasingly subjected to a broad range of anthropogenic pressure...
The use of indirect estimates of ghost-crab populations to assess beach disturbance has several adva...
Populations in coastal areas are growing at a rate far exceeding that of other areas, resulting in e...
Animal movement is a pivotal element of many ecological processes, and on ocean-exposed sandy shores...
Sandy beaches face increasing anthropogenic pressures, with vehicle traffic being ecologically highl...
Coastal management is being challenged to develop and implement measures that safeguard the ecologic...
Research has shown that anthropogenic impact can irrevocably change our world\u27s environments, inc...
Driving of off-road vehicles on beaches and coastal dunes is part of the recreational activity spect...
Recreational beach use with off-road vehicles is popular, but potentially harmful from an environmen...
Through field sampling, this study compares the ghost crab burrow densities acquired using a Fixed-A...
Sandy beaches comprise one of the most important coastal resources worldwide, providing habitats to ...
Sandy beaches are under pressure from expanding coastal populations, ribbon development in the costa...
Ghost crabs have been widely used as a bio-indicator species of human impacts on sandy beaches to ob...
Beach and coastal dune systems are increasingly subjected to a broad range of anthropogenic pressure...
Sandy beaches geographically dominate the globe’s shorelines. They critical ecosystem services, pro...
Beach and coastal dune systems are increasingly subjected to a broad range of anthropogenic pressure...
The use of indirect estimates of ghost-crab populations to assess beach disturbance has several adva...
Populations in coastal areas are growing at a rate far exceeding that of other areas, resulting in e...
Animal movement is a pivotal element of many ecological processes, and on ocean-exposed sandy shores...
Sandy beaches face increasing anthropogenic pressures, with vehicle traffic being ecologically highl...
Coastal management is being challenged to develop and implement measures that safeguard the ecologic...
Research has shown that anthropogenic impact can irrevocably change our world\u27s environments, inc...
Driving of off-road vehicles on beaches and coastal dunes is part of the recreational activity spect...
Recreational beach use with off-road vehicles is popular, but potentially harmful from an environmen...
Through field sampling, this study compares the ghost crab burrow densities acquired using a Fixed-A...