Clinical and experimental studies in idiopathic and Crohn's-related anal fistula

  • Tozer, Philip James
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Publication date
September 2012
Medicine: Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London


The factors leading to the creation and persistence of anal fistula in Crohn’s disease are poorly understood. As with luminal Crohn’s disease genetic, microbiological and immunological factors are implicated but the immunological and microbiological composition of Crohn’s and idiopathic anal fistulae have been obscure. My data demonstrate a lack of clinically relevant organisms within fistula tracts, a luminally driven immune response and subtle differences in this response between Crohn’s and idiopathic fistulae which may provide the basis for diagnostic tests, interventions and further research. Surgical treatment of anal fistula is characterised by a compromise between risk of recurrence and impairment of continence. In complex, recurr...

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