Carbon and oxygen isotope measurements of 66 samples from the 60 m-thick variegated marble in the Upper Allochthon of the Norwegian Caledonides have a mean δ13Ccarb of −8.4 ± 0.9‰ (V-PDB), and a mean δ18O of 20.2 ± 2.2‰ (V-SMOW). The variegated marble is overlain by 150 m-thick pale grey marble characterised by mean δ13Ccarb of −6.5 ± 0.8‰ (n = 25) and underlain by dark grey marbles with a mean δ13Ccarb of +4.8 ± 1.1‰ (n = 61). This tripartite unit of an poorly constrained age—but between Neoproterozoic and Early Silurian—discontinuously developed over a distance of 500 km, is likely to represent one of the largest isotopically anomalous sedimentary carbonate formations yet reported. The marbles depleted in 13C beyond the canonical mantle v...