IgG:tä tuottavan solutehtaan suunnittelu hiivassa plasmasolumallia seuraamalla

  • Koskela, Essi V.
Publication date
November 2017
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


IgG antibodies are powerful biotherapeutics that are used in the treatment of several severediseases, for example cancer and autoimmune diseases. Specialized cells in the human immunesystem, plasma cells, naturally produce antibodies with high efficiency. However, biotechnologicalproduction methods based on mammalian cell cultures remain inadequate and expensive. The expanding market of antibody biotherapeutics has spurred the aspiration to develop alternativeproduction methods. One potential platform for antibody production is the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae, which has been successfully engineered to produce a range of products by utilizing the versatile genetic toolkit available for modifying this organism. Plasma cell differentiation d...

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