Mammals expend energy in many ways, including basic cellular maintenance and repair, digestion, thermoregulation, locomotion, growth and reproduction. These processes can vary tremendously among species and individuals, potentially leading to large variation in daily energy expenditure (DEE). Locomotor energy costs can be substantial for large-bodied species and those with high-activity lifestyles. For humans in industrialized societies, locomotion necessary for daily activities is often relatively low, so it has been presumed that activity energy expenditure and DEE are lower than in our ancestors. Whether this is true and has contributed to a rise in obesity is controversial. In humans, much attention has centered on spontaneous physical ...
The human body requires for proper functioning clearly-defined amount of energy which depends on inh...
The aim of this clinical review was to examine the problem of obesity in the context of energy balan...
Despite the suggestion that reduced energy expenditure may be a key contributor to the obesity pande...
Mammals expend energy in many ways, including basic cellular maintenance and repair, digestion, ther...
Abstract Spontaneous physical activity (SPA) consists of all daily living activities other than voli...
Weight control is dependent on energy balance. Reduced energy expenditure (EE) associated with decre...
Besides differences in the level of planned physical activity (which is sometimes necessary to deal ...
Factors affecting contribution of spontaneous physical activity (SPA; activity associated with every...
Many compounds and genetic manipulations are claimed to confer resistance to obesity in rodents by r...
We investigated inbred SWR/J and AKR/J mice, two established models for different susceptibility to ...
We evaluated the effect of voluntary exercise on spontaneous physical activity (SPA) and food consum...
BACKGROUND: While it is now accepted that genes and their products affect food intake, the conce...
We investigated inbred SWR/J and AKR/J mice, two established models for different susceptibility to ...
Elucidating genetic and environmental factors that affect physical activity, dietary choices, and th...
Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide, particularly within the United States. The percent o...
The human body requires for proper functioning clearly-defined amount of energy which depends on inh...
The aim of this clinical review was to examine the problem of obesity in the context of energy balan...
Despite the suggestion that reduced energy expenditure may be a key contributor to the obesity pande...
Mammals expend energy in many ways, including basic cellular maintenance and repair, digestion, ther...
Abstract Spontaneous physical activity (SPA) consists of all daily living activities other than voli...
Weight control is dependent on energy balance. Reduced energy expenditure (EE) associated with decre...
Besides differences in the level of planned physical activity (which is sometimes necessary to deal ...
Factors affecting contribution of spontaneous physical activity (SPA; activity associated with every...
Many compounds and genetic manipulations are claimed to confer resistance to obesity in rodents by r...
We investigated inbred SWR/J and AKR/J mice, two established models for different susceptibility to ...
We evaluated the effect of voluntary exercise on spontaneous physical activity (SPA) and food consum...
BACKGROUND: While it is now accepted that genes and their products affect food intake, the conce...
We investigated inbred SWR/J and AKR/J mice, two established models for different susceptibility to ...
Elucidating genetic and environmental factors that affect physical activity, dietary choices, and th...
Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide, particularly within the United States. The percent o...
The human body requires for proper functioning clearly-defined amount of energy which depends on inh...
The aim of this clinical review was to examine the problem of obesity in the context of energy balan...
Despite the suggestion that reduced energy expenditure may be a key contributor to the obesity pande...