Objective: To enable multicriteria benefit risk (BR) assessment of any number of alternative treatments using all available evidence from a network of clinical trials. Study Design and Setting: We design a general method for multicriteria decision aiding with criteria measurements from Mixed Treatment Comparison (MTC) analyses. To evaluate the method, we apply it to BR assessment of four second-generation antidepressants and placebo in the setting of a published peer-reviewed systematic review. Results: The analysis without preference information shows that placebo is supported by a wide range of possible preferences. Preference information provided by a clinical expert showed that although treatment with antidepressants is warranted for se...
INTRODUCTION Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two networ...
AbstractBackgroundThe Problem formulation, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences, Trade-offs, Uncer...
Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two network meta-analyses ...
Objective: To enable multicriteria benefit risk (BR) assessment of any number of alternative treatme...
AbstractObjectiveTo enable multicriteria benefit–risk (BR) assessment of any number of alternative t...
Drug benefit-risk (BR) analysis is based on firm clinical evidence regarding various safety and effi...
Drug benefit-risk analysis is based on firm clinical evidence related to various safety and efficacy...
Background: Network meta-analysis exploits randomized data to compare multiple interventions and gen...
What is the drug of choice for condition x? is among the most commonly asked questions in primary ca...
Network meta-analysis data set re-analysed in "A new approach to evaluating loop inconsistency in ne...
The need to support clinical decision making and cost-effectiveness analyses in medicine, despite a ...
INTRODUCTION Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two networ...
AbstractBackgroundThe Problem formulation, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences, Trade-offs, Uncer...
Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two network meta-analyses ...
Objective: To enable multicriteria benefit risk (BR) assessment of any number of alternative treatme...
AbstractObjectiveTo enable multicriteria benefit–risk (BR) assessment of any number of alternative t...
Drug benefit-risk (BR) analysis is based on firm clinical evidence regarding various safety and effi...
Drug benefit-risk analysis is based on firm clinical evidence related to various safety and efficacy...
Background: Network meta-analysis exploits randomized data to compare multiple interventions and gen...
What is the drug of choice for condition x? is among the most commonly asked questions in primary ca...
Network meta-analysis data set re-analysed in "A new approach to evaluating loop inconsistency in ne...
The need to support clinical decision making and cost-effectiveness analyses in medicine, despite a ...
INTRODUCTION Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two networ...
AbstractBackgroundThe Problem formulation, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences, Trade-offs, Uncer...
Many antidepressants are indicated for the treatment of major depression. Two network meta-analyses ...