Competition within sexes is expected when resources are sex specific, whereas competition between sexes can occur when similar resources are exploited. Local population density and sex ratio will determine the amount of sex-specific interactions and thus the potential degree of sex-specific competition. In contrast, high densities and the density of same-sex individuals may also positively influence survival, for example, by facilitating the exploitation of resources. The population density and sex ratio may therefore differently affect survival of males and females and thus also affect the expected fitness gains of producing a certain offspring sex. In this paper, we investigate experimentally whether and how sex-specific local densities a...
Since male and female offspring may have different costs and benefits, parents may use sex ratio adj...
Dietrich VCJ, Schmoll T, Winkel W, Lubjuhn T. Survival to first breeding is not sex-specific in the ...
Abstract Background Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs in a wide range of species in birds and othe...
Competition within sexes is expected when resources are sex specific, whereas competition between se...
The expected fitness gain for offspring of a given sex may depend on local population sex ratio and ...
An individual's decision to disperse from the natal habitat can affect its future fitness prospects....
1. Habitat selection can affect individual fitness, and therefore, individuals are expected to asses...
1. Habitat selection can affect individual fitness, and therefore, individuals are expected to asses...
An increase of competition among adults or nestlings usually negatively affects breeding output. Yet...
An increase of competition among adults or nestlings usually negatively affects breeding output. Yet...
Since male and female offspring may have different costs and benefits, parents may use sex ratio adj...
Dietrich VCJ, Schmoll T, Winkel W, Lubjuhn T. Survival to first breeding is not sex-specific in the ...
Abstract Background Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs in a wide range of species in birds and othe...
Competition within sexes is expected when resources are sex specific, whereas competition between se...
The expected fitness gain for offspring of a given sex may depend on local population sex ratio and ...
An individual's decision to disperse from the natal habitat can affect its future fitness prospects....
1. Habitat selection can affect individual fitness, and therefore, individuals are expected to asses...
1. Habitat selection can affect individual fitness, and therefore, individuals are expected to asses...
An increase of competition among adults or nestlings usually negatively affects breeding output. Yet...
An increase of competition among adults or nestlings usually negatively affects breeding output. Yet...
Since male and female offspring may have different costs and benefits, parents may use sex ratio adj...
Dietrich VCJ, Schmoll T, Winkel W, Lubjuhn T. Survival to first breeding is not sex-specific in the ...
Abstract Background Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) occurs in a wide range of species in birds and othe...