As hardware prices continue to drop rapidly, building large computer systems by interconnecting substantial numbers of microcomputers becomes increasingly attractive. Many techniques for interconnecting the hardware, such as Ethernet [Metcalfe and Boggs, 1976], ring nets [Farber and Larson, 1972], packet switching, and shared memory are well understood, but the corresponding software techniques are poorly understood. The design of general purpose distributed operating systems is one of the key research issues for the 1980s
A distributed operating system provides the same functionality and interface as a monolithic operati...
This series will start with an introduction to distributed computing systems. Distributed computing ...
Unlike many other operating systems, Amoeba is a distributed operating system that provides group co...
As hardware prices continue to drop rapidly, building large computer systems by interconnecting subs...
As the price of CPU chips continues to fall rapidly, it will soon be economically feasible to build ...
Amoeba is the distributed system developed at the Free University (VU) and Centre for Mathematics an...
The Amoeba project is a research effort aimed at understanding how to connect multiple computers in ...
A description is given of the Amoeba distributed operating system, which appears to users as a centr...
A description is given of the Amoeba distributed operating system, which appears to users as a centr...
The collection of processors that do not share memory and clock is called distributed operating syst...
The collection of processors that do not share memory and clock is called distributed operating syst...
Designing and implementing a distributed system is easy compared to the task of convincing people to...
AMOEBA is a research project to build a true distributed operating system using the object model. Un...
Amoeba is a capability‐based distributed operating system designed for high‐performance interactions...
UNIX has been around now for almost 20 years. At the time UNIX began, most departments felt themselv...
A distributed operating system provides the same functionality and interface as a monolithic operati...
This series will start with an introduction to distributed computing systems. Distributed computing ...
Unlike many other operating systems, Amoeba is a distributed operating system that provides group co...
As hardware prices continue to drop rapidly, building large computer systems by interconnecting subs...
As the price of CPU chips continues to fall rapidly, it will soon be economically feasible to build ...
Amoeba is the distributed system developed at the Free University (VU) and Centre for Mathematics an...
The Amoeba project is a research effort aimed at understanding how to connect multiple computers in ...
A description is given of the Amoeba distributed operating system, which appears to users as a centr...
A description is given of the Amoeba distributed operating system, which appears to users as a centr...
The collection of processors that do not share memory and clock is called distributed operating syst...
The collection of processors that do not share memory and clock is called distributed operating syst...
Designing and implementing a distributed system is easy compared to the task of convincing people to...
AMOEBA is a research project to build a true distributed operating system using the object model. Un...
Amoeba is a capability‐based distributed operating system designed for high‐performance interactions...
UNIX has been around now for almost 20 years. At the time UNIX began, most departments felt themselv...
A distributed operating system provides the same functionality and interface as a monolithic operati...
This series will start with an introduction to distributed computing systems. Distributed computing ...
Unlike many other operating systems, Amoeba is a distributed operating system that provides group co...