Injection-detection experiments have been performed to study quasiparticle diffusion and quasiparticle losses in Nb strips using a series array of Nb/Al junctions. The I-V curve of the detector junction was measured as a function of the spacing between the (high-quality) detector junction and the simultaneously biased injector junction. For our sample geometry, the quasiparticle gas is described in terms of a one-dimensional diffusion model. It was found that trapping losses at the interface between the Nb base electrode and the anodised Nb2O5 dominate. In addition, a very low quasiparticle diffusion constant at 1 K, D = 1.2 × 10−4 m2/s has been found. We estimate that this corresponds to an electron mean free path of l ≈ 7 nm. Due to the d...