ABSTRACT\ud One of theearly inspectionto determinebreastcanceris sadari (periksa payudara sendiri). By doing sadari,patients will beable to knowifthere is alumporsomething that isabnormal. Sadarican be donealoneafter showerby standing infront of the mirror. Researchconducted in2 hospitalsin Denpasartogeta description of thepatient's knowledgeaboutbreastcancer.Resultsin gettingfrom 30breast cancer sampleswere4 patients(13.3%) breast cancer knowaboutsadari. Thenfrom 4breastcancerpatientsknowaboutsadari, 2 patients(50%) didsadari.The remainingsample of26 patients(86.7%) did not know aboutsadari. They got information aboutsadarifromfamily orfriends who'vehad breast cancer. Patientswho foundabnormalities from the examinationare usually notcameto...
Background: A preliminary study conducted on nursing students revealed that 3 students had a history...
ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that is still the numb...
Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue. Global Cancer Observatory 2018 data from WHO shows tha...
The majority of breast cancer patients come to medical service at an advancedstage. Because most can...
Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian dan jenis kanker yang lebih banyak terj...
Breast cancer is a contributor to high mortality rates in women, with a mortality rate of 18% of wom...
Objective: Â The purpose of this research knowed the level of konwoledge young women about SADARI fo...
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types suffered by women in the world. In 2018, the In...
Background, Statistically berast cancer in Indonesia ranks second after cervical cancer. More than 7...
Breast cancer is a global and national health concern that affects women worldwide and it is respons...
Kanker payudara atau carsinoma mammae adalah pertumbuhan sel yang tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh kele...
Skripsi ini membahas tentang gambaran pengetahuan mengenai perilaku melakukan SADARI terhadap deteks...
The number of cancer hospitalized patients throughout Indonesia increases year by year, as well as t...
SADARI merupakan suatu pemeriksaan payudara sendiri yang SADARI merupakan suatu pemeriksaan payudara...
ABSTRAK Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di seluruh dunia. Salah satu pe...
Background: A preliminary study conducted on nursing students revealed that 3 students had a history...
ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that is still the numb...
Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue. Global Cancer Observatory 2018 data from WHO shows tha...
The majority of breast cancer patients come to medical service at an advancedstage. Because most can...
Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian dan jenis kanker yang lebih banyak terj...
Breast cancer is a contributor to high mortality rates in women, with a mortality rate of 18% of wom...
Objective: Â The purpose of this research knowed the level of konwoledge young women about SADARI fo...
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer types suffered by women in the world. In 2018, the In...
Background, Statistically berast cancer in Indonesia ranks second after cervical cancer. More than 7...
Breast cancer is a global and national health concern that affects women worldwide and it is respons...
Kanker payudara atau carsinoma mammae adalah pertumbuhan sel yang tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh kele...
Skripsi ini membahas tentang gambaran pengetahuan mengenai perilaku melakukan SADARI terhadap deteks...
The number of cancer hospitalized patients throughout Indonesia increases year by year, as well as t...
SADARI merupakan suatu pemeriksaan payudara sendiri yang SADARI merupakan suatu pemeriksaan payudara...
ABSTRAK Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di seluruh dunia. Salah satu pe...
Background: A preliminary study conducted on nursing students revealed that 3 students had a history...
ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that is still the numb...
Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue. Global Cancer Observatory 2018 data from WHO shows tha...