Diversitatea speciilor de trichoptere în zona bazinului hidrografic al râului Timiş. În vederea determinării rolului de bioindicatori al comunităților de macronevertebrate bentonice, cercetători din întreaga lume au desfășurat studii de analiză a structurii, dinamicii și diversității diferitelor grupe, alături de cele privind factorii fizico-chimici. În prezentul studiu, au fost identificate 21 specii de trichoptere în stadiul larvar. Valorile abundenței numerice procentuale, ale frecvenței și diversității biologice privind larvele de trichoptere identificate au variat în raport cu modificările parametrilor fizico-chimici specifici fiecărei stații de colectare a probelor. Valorile parametrilor fizico-chimici monitorizați în bazinul hidrogra...
On the catchment area of the upper part of the River Olt 104 caddisfly species belonging to 15 famil...
77 species occur along the river and its upper tributaries. Only 26 of them occur along the middle a...
Na području Konavala provodila su se terenska istraživanja Trichoptera od 2004. do 2019. godine. Uku...
This survey analyzed the eco-physiological requirements of caddisflies assemblages in Jiu ...
Monthly samples of caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae were taken from ten localities along a 151 km long...
Ujvdrosi On the catchment area of the upper part of the river Crigul Alb 19 caddisfly species belong...
On the catchment area of the upper part of the river Cri§ul Alb 19 caddisfly species belonging to 7 ...
Monthly samples of caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae were taken from ten localities along a 151 km long...
The distribution of Trichoptera was analysed at 31 sampling sites distributed along different water ...
Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) is one of the most important group of benthic components in tempe...
A thorough understanding of biotic communities distribution in predisturbance state is essential for...
Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) is one of the most important group of benthic components in tempe...
The implementation of some strategies such as DPSIR framework may lead to a better coordination at b...
Quantitative macrozoobenthic samples were collected seasonally for two years from the main tributari...
We investigated how diversity and distribution of more than 11000 Trichoptera larvae in streams of c...
On the catchment area of the upper part of the River Olt 104 caddisfly species belonging to 15 famil...
77 species occur along the river and its upper tributaries. Only 26 of them occur along the middle a...
Na području Konavala provodila su se terenska istraživanja Trichoptera od 2004. do 2019. godine. Uku...
This survey analyzed the eco-physiological requirements of caddisflies assemblages in Jiu ...
Monthly samples of caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae were taken from ten localities along a 151 km long...
Ujvdrosi On the catchment area of the upper part of the river Crigul Alb 19 caddisfly species belong...
On the catchment area of the upper part of the river Cri§ul Alb 19 caddisfly species belonging to 7 ...
Monthly samples of caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae were taken from ten localities along a 151 km long...
The distribution of Trichoptera was analysed at 31 sampling sites distributed along different water ...
Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) is one of the most important group of benthic components in tempe...
A thorough understanding of biotic communities distribution in predisturbance state is essential for...
Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) is one of the most important group of benthic components in tempe...
The implementation of some strategies such as DPSIR framework may lead to a better coordination at b...
Quantitative macrozoobenthic samples were collected seasonally for two years from the main tributari...
We investigated how diversity and distribution of more than 11000 Trichoptera larvae in streams of c...
On the catchment area of the upper part of the River Olt 104 caddisfly species belonging to 15 famil...
77 species occur along the river and its upper tributaries. Only 26 of them occur along the middle a...
Na području Konavala provodila su se terenska istraživanja Trichoptera od 2004. do 2019. godine. Uku...