Vitrifikasi Blastosis Mencit dengan Metode Kriolupv ?O

  • I Wayan Batan
  • I Ketut Suatha
  • Wahono Esti PrasetyoningtyaserB
  • Nining Handayani
  • Ita Djuwita
  • Arief Boediono
Publication date
December 2009
Universitas Udayana


<div>Cryopreservation is an ultra rapid freezing process to preserve tissue or organ. The study</div><div>was conducted to identify the effectiveness of cryoloop vitrification method and the viability of</div><div>embryos following vitrification. Embryos at blastocyst stage were vitrified by placing them in</div><div>equilibration medium containing 10% ethylene glycol (EG) and phosphate buffer saline (PBS) wich</div><div>supplemented with 20% new born calf serum for 8-10 minutes. The blastocysts were then removed</div><div>and put in vitrification medium (15% dimethyl sulfoxide, 15% EG, and 0.5M sucrose), and the</div><div>process in the vitrifivcation medium not longer than 25-30 seconds. The blastocysts were immediately</div><div>transfer...

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