We test two complementary theories of optimal trading strategies by analyzing the transaction patterns of corporate insiders. According to information-based theories, investors trade faster if they compete with others for exploiting the same information, while liquidity-based theories predict the opposite. Our analysis supports the predictions of liquidity-based models: insiders take longer to complete trades when they face competition from other insiders and they trade slower in less liquid markets. Insiders adapt to fluctuations in market liquidity. We identify informed trading using CARs, company news announcements, and insider trading patterns. Our results support the predictions of information-based models for informed trades
In this paper we test the hypothesis that insiders trade strategically on specific news that offer t...
Insider trading has been used in stock market forecasting for several decades. This study introduced...
In this paper, we examine the relationship between ownership structure (or number of financial analy...
We test two complementary theories of optimal trading strategies by analyzing the transaction patte...
This paper investigates the insider trading before scheduled versus unscheduled corporate announceme...
We analyze the information content of corporate insiders ’ trades after accounting for certain tradi...
We characterize how informed investors trade in the options market ahead of corporate news when they...
We explore the role of corporate insiders vs. firms as traders of last resort. We develop a simple m...
Using the comprehensive trading data for the U.S. corporate insiders between 1993 and 2008, we docum...
We examine how algorithmic trading (AT) changes the trading environment for corporate insiders, spec...
In this paper we analyze the strategic trading of insiders and the way insiders use short-lived priv...
Abstract We consider the consequences of public disclosure of insider trades on trading costs and pr...
We build a game theoretical model to examine how the level of information advantage of insiders and ...
Short sellers actively exploit trading opportunities from insider sales. We argue that, in response ...
We investigate the trading strategy of the insider and propose two models to describe the insider’s ...
In this paper we test the hypothesis that insiders trade strategically on specific news that offer t...
Insider trading has been used in stock market forecasting for several decades. This study introduced...
In this paper, we examine the relationship between ownership structure (or number of financial analy...
We test two complementary theories of optimal trading strategies by analyzing the transaction patte...
This paper investigates the insider trading before scheduled versus unscheduled corporate announceme...
We analyze the information content of corporate insiders ’ trades after accounting for certain tradi...
We characterize how informed investors trade in the options market ahead of corporate news when they...
We explore the role of corporate insiders vs. firms as traders of last resort. We develop a simple m...
Using the comprehensive trading data for the U.S. corporate insiders between 1993 and 2008, we docum...
We examine how algorithmic trading (AT) changes the trading environment for corporate insiders, spec...
In this paper we analyze the strategic trading of insiders and the way insiders use short-lived priv...
Abstract We consider the consequences of public disclosure of insider trades on trading costs and pr...
We build a game theoretical model to examine how the level of information advantage of insiders and ...
Short sellers actively exploit trading opportunities from insider sales. We argue that, in response ...
We investigate the trading strategy of the insider and propose two models to describe the insider’s ...
In this paper we test the hypothesis that insiders trade strategically on specific news that offer t...
Insider trading has been used in stock market forecasting for several decades. This study introduced...
In this paper, we examine the relationship between ownership structure (or number of financial analy...