Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) is Sunni sufi representing Islamic mysticism and Ibnu Arabi (1165-1240) represents philosophical Sufism. Al- Ghazali’s concept of Gnosis (knowing God) is based on the Quran and Hadith which is similar to its predecessor, al asy’ari. In contrast, Ibnu Arabi’s concept of Gnosis is based on Greek philosophy and the school of Bathiniyah (Syiah). The fundamental difference between the two scholars is that Al-Ghazali is consistent with classical model of epistemological interpretation. He is very cautious in preventing understanding Islam (the sunni view) especially on aqidah (faith) from polytheism (musyrik) or infidelity (kafir). Meanwhile, Ibnu Arabi explores a variety of sources: Greek philosophy, school of shi’i Bathin...