During the Croatian War the military forces of the RepublicofCroatia were faced both with foreseen and unforeseen demandsregarding successful airspace combat actions, requiringfull engagement of all human and physical resources of theCroatian Military Air Force.Military Air Force, the most sophisticated part of thearmed forces, has contributed to the success of the operationsby acting in and from airspace against ground and sea targets.The supersonic aircraft efficiency in combat action overairspace targets can be increased by acquiring knowledge regardingthe maximal maneuvering capabilities, application ofgraphic-analytic modeling during flight preparations, educationof pilots and other participants in order to maximally exploitthe aricraf...
Simulation of the air situation is aimed at ensuring the most accurate reproduction of the real situ...
The contents of this report were presented during a talk to the Flight Dynamics and Aerodynamics MS...
In most NATO countries, pilots are prepared in accordance with a modern system of three-stage traini...
The armed forces of the Republic of Croatia have beenfrom the very start of the war, imposed by the ...
<p>The models for training of student-pilots for the needs of the Croatian Air Force have been creat...
The determining factor for success during modern warfare is the struggle for supremacy in the air. T...
Bliska zračna potpora važan je dio suvremenih borbenih operacija, koji omogućuje izvršenje zadaće u ...
Postojeća metodologija planiranja i upravljanja operacijama vojnih aviona visokih performansa u obuc...
Bliska zračna borba se najčešće odvija između dva lovačka zrakoplova s ciljem uništenja protivnika. ...
The research seems to be important because Ukraine’s integration into international security and Eur...
Navigacijski proračuni jedan su od čimbenika prilikom provedbe bilo koje zadaće ratnog zrakoplovstva...
Težište rada zasnovano je na odnosu Jugoslavenskog ratnog vazduhoplovstva i hrvatske protuzračne ob...
Military pilot education, including flight training is a long, expensive and complex process. The ma...
Článok obsahuje matematický model taktickej predikcie konfliktu dvojice lietadiel. Taktická predikci...
<p>Flying as the vocational commitment of a person makes one of the most complex aspects of human ac...
Simulation of the air situation is aimed at ensuring the most accurate reproduction of the real situ...
The contents of this report were presented during a talk to the Flight Dynamics and Aerodynamics MS...
In most NATO countries, pilots are prepared in accordance with a modern system of three-stage traini...
The armed forces of the Republic of Croatia have beenfrom the very start of the war, imposed by the ...
<p>The models for training of student-pilots for the needs of the Croatian Air Force have been creat...
The determining factor for success during modern warfare is the struggle for supremacy in the air. T...
Bliska zračna potpora važan je dio suvremenih borbenih operacija, koji omogućuje izvršenje zadaće u ...
Postojeća metodologija planiranja i upravljanja operacijama vojnih aviona visokih performansa u obuc...
Bliska zračna borba se najčešće odvija između dva lovačka zrakoplova s ciljem uništenja protivnika. ...
The research seems to be important because Ukraine’s integration into international security and Eur...
Navigacijski proračuni jedan su od čimbenika prilikom provedbe bilo koje zadaće ratnog zrakoplovstva...
Težište rada zasnovano je na odnosu Jugoslavenskog ratnog vazduhoplovstva i hrvatske protuzračne ob...
Military pilot education, including flight training is a long, expensive and complex process. The ma...
Článok obsahuje matematický model taktickej predikcie konfliktu dvojice lietadiel. Taktická predikci...
<p>Flying as the vocational commitment of a person makes one of the most complex aspects of human ac...
Simulation of the air situation is aimed at ensuring the most accurate reproduction of the real situ...
The contents of this report were presented during a talk to the Flight Dynamics and Aerodynamics MS...
In most NATO countries, pilots are prepared in accordance with a modern system of three-stage traini...