The Sculpture and Painting of Yogyakarta Wooden Puppet. The wayang golek Menak is one of the threedimensionalpuppet performance in Indonesia. The ‘Menak’ word indicate that the story was taken from the ‘SeratMenak’, that’s different version with wayang golek Purwa wich taken from ‘Mahabarata’ or ‘Ramayana’ story, thatwas popular in West Jawa. In Yogyakarta, wayang golek Menak was popularized by Ki Widiprayitna about 1950.Based on differences in the source story, then of course there are also differences in the form of puppets, included inthe carving and coloration techniques, in Javanesee language is called ‘tatahan’ and ‘sunggingan’. This article intendsto reveal the concept of carving and coloration, especially the style of Ki Widiprayitn...
An article entitled the life of wayang golèk ménak Kebumen on the age of Ki Sindhu Jotaryono from 19...
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh karawitan sebagai salah satu pendukung utama perg...
The title of this paper is “Elements of Puppet Show (Pakeliran) Yogyakarta Style in Nartosabdo’s Pup...
The Sculpture and Painting of Yogyakarta Wooden Puppet. The wayang golek Menak is one of the threedi...
WayangGolek is part of Javanese culture, its existence has now changed in the third generation. This...
The history of wayang (Javanese leather puppets) had through a long process and was influencedby man...
The Yogyakarta kraton wayang wong, created by Sultan Hamengkubuwana I in the late 1750's and elabora...
Wayang sebuah warisan budaya yang adiluhung, keagungan filosofi dan keindahan tatahan dan sunggingan...
ABSTRACT After surviving a long history of failures, Wayang Kancil was revived in 1980 in Yogyakarta...
Wayang topeng pedhalangan Yogyakarta pada tulisan ini dikaji dari berbagai unsur seni, serta tata hu...
Wayang is a type of theatrical performance that is typical in Indonesia. Wayang Wali is one of the n...
This article discusses the differences of puppet styles and the role of Wali towards puppet performa...
The puppetry world is known with some styles, or gagrag, such as Surakarta, Yogyakarta, East Java, B...
Memahami gaya pedalangan Sunda pada dasarnya adalah sebuah upaya penjelajahan dan pemetaan jagatpeda...
Wayang in Javanese means "shadow" or "imagination." Wayang has a long history in Indonesia. It is no...
An article entitled the life of wayang golèk ménak Kebumen on the age of Ki Sindhu Jotaryono from 19...
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh karawitan sebagai salah satu pendukung utama perg...
The title of this paper is “Elements of Puppet Show (Pakeliran) Yogyakarta Style in Nartosabdo’s Pup...
The Sculpture and Painting of Yogyakarta Wooden Puppet. The wayang golek Menak is one of the threedi...
WayangGolek is part of Javanese culture, its existence has now changed in the third generation. This...
The history of wayang (Javanese leather puppets) had through a long process and was influencedby man...
The Yogyakarta kraton wayang wong, created by Sultan Hamengkubuwana I in the late 1750's and elabora...
Wayang sebuah warisan budaya yang adiluhung, keagungan filosofi dan keindahan tatahan dan sunggingan...
ABSTRACT After surviving a long history of failures, Wayang Kancil was revived in 1980 in Yogyakarta...
Wayang topeng pedhalangan Yogyakarta pada tulisan ini dikaji dari berbagai unsur seni, serta tata hu...
Wayang is a type of theatrical performance that is typical in Indonesia. Wayang Wali is one of the n...
This article discusses the differences of puppet styles and the role of Wali towards puppet performa...
The puppetry world is known with some styles, or gagrag, such as Surakarta, Yogyakarta, East Java, B...
Memahami gaya pedalangan Sunda pada dasarnya adalah sebuah upaya penjelajahan dan pemetaan jagatpeda...
Wayang in Javanese means "shadow" or "imagination." Wayang has a long history in Indonesia. It is no...
An article entitled the life of wayang golèk ménak Kebumen on the age of Ki Sindhu Jotaryono from 19...
Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh karawitan sebagai salah satu pendukung utama perg...
The title of this paper is “Elements of Puppet Show (Pakeliran) Yogyakarta Style in Nartosabdo’s Pup...