Nitrogen Fertilizer Replacement Value of the Liquid Fraction of Separated Livestock Slurries Applied to Potatoes and Silage Maize

  • Schroder, J.J.
  • Visser, de, W.
  • Assinck, F.B.T.
  • Velthof, G.L.
  • Geel, van, W.C.A.
  • Dijk, van, W.
Publication date
January 2014


Separation of livestock slurries followed by reverse osmosis yields mineral concentrates (MCs) in which almost all nitrogen (N) is ammonium (NH4)-N. The ability of MCs to substitute calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), a common conventional mineral N fertilizer, was tested in two trials on a silty loam soil (ware potatoes, 2009 and 2010) and four trials on sandy soils (starch potatoes, 2009 and 2010; silage maize in 2010 and 2011). The N fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of spring-injected MCs ranged from 72 to 84%, slightly less than their share of ammonium-N (90–100%). The fate of N that was apparently unavailable to crops was not fully disclosed, but there were indications that ammonia loss may have played a role

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