The definition of Azumaya algebras over commutative rings \(R\) requires the tensor product of modules over \(R\) and the twist map for the tensor product of any two \(R\)-modules. Similar constructions are available in braided monoidal categories, and Azumaya algebras were defined in these settings. Here, we introduce Azumaya monads on any category \(\mathbb{A}\) by considering a monad \((F,m,e)\) on \(\mathbb{A}\) endowed with a distributive law \(\lambda: FF\to FF\) satisfying the Yang–Baxter equation (BD%please define -law). This allows to introduce an opposite monad \((F^\lambda,m\cdot \lambda,e)\) and a monad structure on \(FF^\lambda\). The quadruple \((F,m,e,\lambda)\) is called an Azumaya monad, provided that the canonical comparis...