Nut-bearing trees, including oaks (Quercus spp.), are considered to be highly dispersal limited, leading to concerns about their ability to colonize new sites or migrate in response to climate change. However, estimating seed dispersal is challenging in species that are secondarily dispersed by animals, and differences in disperser abundance or behavior could lead to large spatio-temporal variation in dispersal ability. Parentage and dispersal analyses combining genetic and ecological data provide accurate estimates of current dispersal, while spatial genetic structure (SGS) can shed light on past patterns of dispersal and establishment.In this study, we estimate seed and pollen dispersal and parentage for two mixed-species red oak populati...
Abstract Oaks (Quercus) are major components of temperate forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphe...
1- Global change is generating widespread local-scale expansions of tree populations. During demogra...
Numerous plant species are shifting their range polewards in response to ongoing climate change. Ran...
<div><h3>Background</h3><p>Nut-bearing trees, including oaks (<em>Quercu</em>s spp.), are considered...
<p><p>Understanding the ecological and evolutionary responses of plant species to shifts in climate ...
Spatial genetic structure (SGS) results from the interplay of several demographical processes that a...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
International audienceCalifornia Valley oak (Quercus lobata), one of the state's most distinctive oa...
Peripheral populations located at their range edge, may be at risk due to geographical isolation, en...
A simulation-based modelling approach is used to examine the effects of stratified seed dispersal (r...
Abstract Oaks (Quercus) are major components of temperate forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphe...
1- Global change is generating widespread local-scale expansions of tree populations. During demogra...
Numerous plant species are shifting their range polewards in response to ongoing climate change. Ran...
<div><h3>Background</h3><p>Nut-bearing trees, including oaks (<em>Quercu</em>s spp.), are considered...
<p><p>Understanding the ecological and evolutionary responses of plant species to shifts in climate ...
Spatial genetic structure (SGS) results from the interplay of several demographical processes that a...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
Low-latitudinal range margins of temperate and boreal plant species typically consist of scattered p...
Gene flow is a key factor in the evolution of species, influencing effective population size, hybrid...
International audienceCalifornia Valley oak (Quercus lobata), one of the state's most distinctive oa...
Peripheral populations located at their range edge, may be at risk due to geographical isolation, en...
A simulation-based modelling approach is used to examine the effects of stratified seed dispersal (r...
Abstract Oaks (Quercus) are major components of temperate forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphe...
1- Global change is generating widespread local-scale expansions of tree populations. During demogra...
Numerous plant species are shifting their range polewards in response to ongoing climate change. Ran...