Abstract We consider a semilinear variation inequality in a thick multi-level junction Ω ε $\Omega_{\varepsilon}$ , which is the union of a domain Ω 0 $\Omega_{0}$ (the junction’s body) and a large number of thin cylinders. The thin cylinders are divided into m classes depending on the geometrical characteristics and the semilinear perturbed boundary conditions of the Signorini type given on their lateral surfaces. In addition, the thin cylinders from each class are ε-periodically alternated along some manifold on the boundary of the junction’s body. The purpose is to study the asymptotic behavior of the solution u ε $u_{\varepsilon}$ of this variation inequality as ε → 0 $\varepsilon\to0$ , i.e. when the number of the thin cylinders from e...