To assess stereoacuity in a population-based sample of children and to examine ocular and systemic parameters related to stereoacuity.Using a random cluster sampling method, four- to 18-year-old children from kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools from a rural area and an urban area in the East Chinese province of Shandong were included in the school-based cross-sectional study. All participants underwent a comprehensive eye examination including assessment of cycloplegic refraction and measurement of stereoacuity using the Titmus Stereo test.Out of 6364 eligible children, 5780 (90.8%) children with a mean age of 10.1 ± 3.2 years (range: 4 to 18 years) participated. Mean (± standard deviation) stereoa...
PURPOSE: To examine the prevalence of refractive errors and prevalence and causes of vision loss amo...
Stereoscopic acuity is largely dependent on the used tests and the distance to them, the intensity o...
AIM: To investigate the influence of astigmatism on visual acuity in school-aged children, and to de...
PURPOSE To report the distribution of stereoacuity thresholds and ocular characteristics associated ...
Background and Objective: This study investigates stereopsis and its correlation with refractive err...
<p>Distribution Stereoacuity in the Shandong Children Eye Study Stratified by Age, Gender, and Regio...
To study the development of stereopsis in children from 30 to 50 months of age.It was a prospective ...
AbstractPurposeUsing the Titmus stereo test to examine the association between hyperopic ametropia i...
PURPOSE: To determine factors associated with pretreatment and posttreatment stereoacuity in subject...
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore possible associations between stereoacuity and refractive,...
Aim of the study: to evaluate stereacuity association with astigmatism and academic performance. Obj...
Purpose: To examine the prevalence of refractive errors and prevalence and causes of vision loss amo...
PURPOSE: This paper aimed to study the norms for clinical stereo-acuity in Saudi children aged betw...
<p>Distribution of Stereoacuity Measured as Minimal Angle of Binocular Disparity in the Shandong Chi...
PURPOSE. Reduced stereoacuity is commonly found in association with reduced visual acuity or strabis...
PURPOSE: To examine the prevalence of refractive errors and prevalence and causes of vision loss amo...
Stereoscopic acuity is largely dependent on the used tests and the distance to them, the intensity o...
AIM: To investigate the influence of astigmatism on visual acuity in school-aged children, and to de...
PURPOSE To report the distribution of stereoacuity thresholds and ocular characteristics associated ...
Background and Objective: This study investigates stereopsis and its correlation with refractive err...
<p>Distribution Stereoacuity in the Shandong Children Eye Study Stratified by Age, Gender, and Regio...
To study the development of stereopsis in children from 30 to 50 months of age.It was a prospective ...
AbstractPurposeUsing the Titmus stereo test to examine the association between hyperopic ametropia i...
PURPOSE: To determine factors associated with pretreatment and posttreatment stereoacuity in subject...
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore possible associations between stereoacuity and refractive,...
Aim of the study: to evaluate stereacuity association with astigmatism and academic performance. Obj...
Purpose: To examine the prevalence of refractive errors and prevalence and causes of vision loss amo...
PURPOSE: This paper aimed to study the norms for clinical stereo-acuity in Saudi children aged betw...
<p>Distribution of Stereoacuity Measured as Minimal Angle of Binocular Disparity in the Shandong Chi...
PURPOSE. Reduced stereoacuity is commonly found in association with reduced visual acuity or strabis...
PURPOSE: To examine the prevalence of refractive errors and prevalence and causes of vision loss amo...
Stereoscopic acuity is largely dependent on the used tests and the distance to them, the intensity o...
AIM: To investigate the influence of astigmatism on visual acuity in school-aged children, and to de...