Although ecologists believe that vertebrate herbivores must select a diet that allows them to meet their nutritional requirements, while avoiding intoxication by plant secondary metabolites, this is remarkably difficult to show. A long series of field and laboratory experiments means that we have a good understanding of the factors that affect feeding by leaf-eating marsupials. This knowledge and the natural intraspecific variation in Eucalyptus chemistry allowed us to test the hypothesis that the feeding decisions of greater gliders (Petauroides volans) depend on the concentrations of available nitrogen (incorporating total nitrogen, dry matter digestibility and tannins) and of formylated phloroglucinol compounds (FPCs), potent antifeedant...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) offer plants chemical defences against herbivores, and are known ...
Although ecologists believe that vertebrate herbivores must select a diet that allows them to meet t...
Although ecologists believe that vertebrate herbivores must select a diet that allows them to meet t...
Past efforts to explain feeding by eucalypt folivores focussed on three groups of plant secondary me...
In this study, we examined whether a group of plant secondary metabolites – the formylated phloroglu...
In this study, we examined whether a group of plant secondary metabolites - the formylated phloroglu...
Only about 20 vertebrate species are known to feed regularly on tree sap. One of these is the yellow...
While being somewhat specialized on a diet of mature Eucalyptus leaves (66% of feeding time), wild T...
Most woody plants contain a diverse array of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) that deter vertebrat...
We examined intraspecific variation in susceptibility to herbivory by common ringtail possums (Pseud...
Abstract. We examined intraspecific variation in susceptibility to herbivory by common ringtail poss...
This study assessed how the palatability of leaves of different age classes (young, intermediate and...
Many ecologists regard nitrogen as a key element in the life-histories of herbivore populations. Con...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) offer plants chemical defences against herbivores, and are known ...
Although ecologists believe that vertebrate herbivores must select a diet that allows them to meet t...
Although ecologists believe that vertebrate herbivores must select a diet that allows them to meet t...
Past efforts to explain feeding by eucalypt folivores focussed on three groups of plant secondary me...
In this study, we examined whether a group of plant secondary metabolites – the formylated phloroglu...
In this study, we examined whether a group of plant secondary metabolites - the formylated phloroglu...
Only about 20 vertebrate species are known to feed regularly on tree sap. One of these is the yellow...
While being somewhat specialized on a diet of mature Eucalyptus leaves (66% of feeding time), wild T...
Most woody plants contain a diverse array of plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) that deter vertebrat...
We examined intraspecific variation in susceptibility to herbivory by common ringtail possums (Pseud...
Abstract. We examined intraspecific variation in susceptibility to herbivory by common ringtail poss...
This study assessed how the palatability of leaves of different age classes (young, intermediate and...
Many ecologists regard nitrogen as a key element in the life-histories of herbivore populations. Con...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
The koala is the quintessential specialist herbivore, feeding almost exclusively on Eucalyptus folia...
Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) offer plants chemical defences against herbivores, and are known ...