<p><em>Many obstacles to execute mortgages by auctions on the Office of State Property and Auction Services (KPKNL) Yogyakarta. The problem is how the constraints are solved by KPKNL Yogyakarta. This research finds two classifications of obstacles: legal and sociological. </em></p><p> </p><p>Banyak hambatan yang dialami ketika ingin melaksanakan eksekusi hak tanggungan melalui lelang pada Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara Lelang (KPKNL) Yogyakarta. Masalahnya adalah bagaimana hambatan tersebut diselesaikan oleh KPKNL Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 2 klasifikasi hambatan, yaitu hambatan yuridis dan hambatan sosiologis.</p
Creditors as bidders of hypothecation object frequently encounter obstacles such as: the auction obj...
ABSTRACT Problems that occur related to the mastery of the auction object that the auction winner e...
In the process of carrying out the mortgage execution often there are obstacles, namely the existenc...
This research aims to determine the obstacles that occur for auction buyers in vacating auction obje...
The Office of State Assets and Auction Services (KPKNL) is a vertical agency of the Directorate Gene...
The research objectives of the Implementation of Execution Mortgage on Land and Buildings in Bank Pe...
Legal protection for the winner of the auction for the execution of mortgage rights in the event tha...
The objective of this research is to understand and discover consideration that based for National W...
The auction or execution is the final step taken by the creditor. Auction or execution can be carri...
This study aims to find out and analyze the Effectiveness of Legal Protection for Auction Winners in...
The auction official is the spearhead of the auction implementation, but regarding the auction imple...
The mortgageis legal protection for the creditor if the debtor cannot perform its obligation to pay ...
In the execution of auctions there are several procedures that must be fulfilled in order to have le...
The purpose of this study is to find out the legal rules and forms of legal protection in Indonesia ...
The research aims at identifying the announcement and implementation of auction executed by Office o...
Creditors as bidders of hypothecation object frequently encounter obstacles such as: the auction obj...
ABSTRACT Problems that occur related to the mastery of the auction object that the auction winner e...
In the process of carrying out the mortgage execution often there are obstacles, namely the existenc...
This research aims to determine the obstacles that occur for auction buyers in vacating auction obje...
The Office of State Assets and Auction Services (KPKNL) is a vertical agency of the Directorate Gene...
The research objectives of the Implementation of Execution Mortgage on Land and Buildings in Bank Pe...
Legal protection for the winner of the auction for the execution of mortgage rights in the event tha...
The objective of this research is to understand and discover consideration that based for National W...
The auction or execution is the final step taken by the creditor. Auction or execution can be carri...
This study aims to find out and analyze the Effectiveness of Legal Protection for Auction Winners in...
The auction official is the spearhead of the auction implementation, but regarding the auction imple...
The mortgageis legal protection for the creditor if the debtor cannot perform its obligation to pay ...
In the execution of auctions there are several procedures that must be fulfilled in order to have le...
The purpose of this study is to find out the legal rules and forms of legal protection in Indonesia ...
The research aims at identifying the announcement and implementation of auction executed by Office o...
Creditors as bidders of hypothecation object frequently encounter obstacles such as: the auction obj...
ABSTRACT Problems that occur related to the mastery of the auction object that the auction winner e...
In the process of carrying out the mortgage execution often there are obstacles, namely the existenc...