Application of GA3 and girdling of branches on the production of extemporaneous fruits of 'Tahiti' acid lime

  • Cassiano Spaziani Pereira
  • Dalmo Lopes de Siqueira
  • Simone Valiati
  • Elisangela Ferrari
Publication date
December 2014
Universidade Federal De Viçosa


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of girdling of branches and the application of GA3, still in the main crop flowering on the formation of reproductive structures, the fruit set of the following extemporaneous flowering of 'Tahiti' acid lime. This work used a randomized block design with five replications in a 4x3 factorial design. The first factor was the foliar application of GA3, 88 days before extemporaneous flowering at five concentrations (0, 7, 14 and 21 mg.L-1). The second factor was the girdling times, 108 days before flowering onset (A108AF), 78 days before flowering (A78AF) plus no-girdling control (NG). In extemporaneous flowering, the proportion of buds, flowers and fruits that abscised was 38.75, 31.25 and...

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