International audienceThe goal of this paper is to unify the lookdown representation and the stochastic flow of bridges, which are two approaches to construct the Λ-Fleming-Viot process along with its genealogy. First we introduce the stochastic flow of partitions and show that it provides a new formulation of the lookdown representation. Second we study the asymptotic behaviour of the Λ-Fleming-Viot process and we provide sufficient conditions for the existence of an infinite sequence of Eves that generalise the primitive Eve of Bertoin and Le Gall. Finally under the condition that this infinite sequence of Eves does exist, we construct the lookdown representation pathwise from a flow of bridges
We consider the tree-valued Fleming–Viot process, (Xt)t≥0, with mutation and selection as studied in...
Continuous state branching processes arise as rescaled limits of discrete branching ones. Those proc...
The impact of the information concerning an event of interest occurring at a future random time is t...
38 pages, 2 figuresThe goal of this paper is to unify the lookdown representation and the stochastic...
This thesis focuses on mathematical properties of two population models, namely the generalised Flem...
Let $\Lambda$ be a finite measure on the unit interval. A $\Lambda$-Fleming-Viot process is a proba...
Let $Lambda$ be a finite measure on the unit interval. A $Lambda$-Fleming-Viot process is a probabil...
We study exchangeable coalescent trees and the evolving genealogical trees in models for neutral hap...
The purpose of this paper is to extend the investigation of the Fleming-Viot process in discrete spa...
typos and corrections in references.The generalized Fleming-Viot processes were defined in 1999 by D...
We consider a class of stochastic processes containing the classical and well-studied class of squar...
AbstractA generalized bridge is a stochastic process that is conditioned on N linear functionals of ...
We show how Donnelly and Kurtz' (modified) lookdown construction for measure-valued processes can be...
30 pagesInternational audienceWe present a satisfactory definition of the important class of Lévy pr...
We show how Donnelly and Kurtz' (modified) lookdown construction for measure-valued processes can b...
We consider the tree-valued Fleming–Viot process, (Xt)t≥0, with mutation and selection as studied in...
Continuous state branching processes arise as rescaled limits of discrete branching ones. Those proc...
The impact of the information concerning an event of interest occurring at a future random time is t...
38 pages, 2 figuresThe goal of this paper is to unify the lookdown representation and the stochastic...
This thesis focuses on mathematical properties of two population models, namely the generalised Flem...
Let $\Lambda$ be a finite measure on the unit interval. A $\Lambda$-Fleming-Viot process is a proba...
Let $Lambda$ be a finite measure on the unit interval. A $Lambda$-Fleming-Viot process is a probabil...
We study exchangeable coalescent trees and the evolving genealogical trees in models for neutral hap...
The purpose of this paper is to extend the investigation of the Fleming-Viot process in discrete spa...
typos and corrections in references.The generalized Fleming-Viot processes were defined in 1999 by D...
We consider a class of stochastic processes containing the classical and well-studied class of squar...
AbstractA generalized bridge is a stochastic process that is conditioned on N linear functionals of ...
We show how Donnelly and Kurtz' (modified) lookdown construction for measure-valued processes can be...
30 pagesInternational audienceWe present a satisfactory definition of the important class of Lévy pr...
We show how Donnelly and Kurtz' (modified) lookdown construction for measure-valued processes can b...
We consider the tree-valued Fleming–Viot process, (Xt)t≥0, with mutation and selection as studied in...
Continuous state branching processes arise as rescaled limits of discrete branching ones. Those proc...
The impact of the information concerning an event of interest occurring at a future random time is t...