Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka attityder till den svenska vargstammen i Sverige samt att undersöka betalningsviljan för att bevara denna djurart. Ett ytterligare syfte med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar betalningsviljan. Metoden som användes i denna studie för att uppnå målet är ”Contingent Valuation Method” (CVM). En enkät delades ut i tre städer: Arboga, Stockholm och Luleå. I enkäten presenterades ett hypotetiskt scenario för respondenterna, där det framgår att den nuvarande vargstammen är ineffektiv för en långsiktigt och hållbar överlevnad. Respondenterna skulle ta ställning till en rovdjurspolitik som i sin tur skulle skydda vargen på långsikt genom en ekonomiskt bidragande till en sådan politik. R...
In 1966, the grey wolf was listed as a protected species in Sweden. Since then, the Swedish wolf pop...
Large carnivores have historically been decreasing worldwide, often as a result of human-carnivore c...
The wolf is an endangered animal in Sweden and the issue of conserving the species is a polarizing o...
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka attityder till den svenska vargstammen i Sverige samt att u...
Sweden has through its membership of the EU, an obligation to strive that the wolf population should...
The Swedish wolf population has rebounded from near extinction in the 1960s to around 365 individual...
Den här studien har försökt att förstå hur naturturism- aktörer och deras besökare i Norra Värmland ...
The predators’ management plan is needed for the County Administrative Board to manage the big preda...
The Sami has lived of reindeer husbandry for more than a thousand years, but the reindeer has also b...
In this paper, Swedish wolf population management was analyzed by two models. One is information ind...
In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted i...
With a growing population of Sweden’s large carnivores, brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus...
The existence and extension of the Swedish wolf population is a highly contested issue. In January 2...
Den Skandinaviske ulvestammen er i stadig vekst, men etter mange år hvor ulven var funksjonelt utryd...
In 1966, the grey wolf was listed as a protected species in Sweden. Since then, the Swedish wolf pop...
Large carnivores have historically been decreasing worldwide, often as a result of human-carnivore c...
The wolf is an endangered animal in Sweden and the issue of conserving the species is a polarizing o...
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka attityder till den svenska vargstammen i Sverige samt att u...
Sweden has through its membership of the EU, an obligation to strive that the wolf population should...
The Swedish wolf population has rebounded from near extinction in the 1960s to around 365 individual...
Den här studien har försökt att förstå hur naturturism- aktörer och deras besökare i Norra Värmland ...
The predators’ management plan is needed for the County Administrative Board to manage the big preda...
The Sami has lived of reindeer husbandry for more than a thousand years, but the reindeer has also b...
In this paper, Swedish wolf population management was analyzed by two models. One is information ind...
In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted i...
With a growing population of Sweden’s large carnivores, brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus...
The existence and extension of the Swedish wolf population is a highly contested issue. In January 2...
Den Skandinaviske ulvestammen er i stadig vekst, men etter mange år hvor ulven var funksjonelt utryd...
In 1966, the grey wolf was listed as a protected species in Sweden. Since then, the Swedish wolf pop...
Large carnivores have historically been decreasing worldwide, often as a result of human-carnivore c...
The wolf is an endangered animal in Sweden and the issue of conserving the species is a polarizing o...