As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and microarchitectural techniques are needed to improve, or at least maintain, the power efficiency of next-generation processors. Run-time adaptation, including core, cache and DVFS adaptations, has recently emerged as a promising area to keep the pace for acceptable power efficiency. However, none of the adaptation techniques proposed so far is able to provide good results when we consider the stringent power budgets that will be common in the next decades, so new techniques that attack the problem from several fronts using different specialized mechanisms are necessary. The combination of different power management mechanisms, however, bring e...
Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció...
Continuous improvements in transistor scaling together with microarchitectural advances have made po...
Tesis por compendio[EN] The work done for this doctorate thesis focuses on error correction of Next ...
As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and m...
The so-called "power (or power density) wall" has caused core frequency (and single-thread performan...
This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of r...
From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress ...
The increasing demand for new functionalities in current and future hard real-time embedded systems,...
Since the early 2000s, computer systems have seen a transition from single-core to multi-core system...
[EN] Nowadays, several communication standards are emerging and evolving, searching higher transmiss...
This thesis aims at contributing to overcome two of the main challenges for the deployment of M2M ne...
Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2010-2011, àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICTrends in battery-operate...
Structure system identification (SSI) can be classified as static and dynamic depending on the type ...
The present thesis aims at developing a basis for the numerical simulation of multiphase flows of im...
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de ComputadoresThe MEMS sensor market has experienced ...
Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció...
Continuous improvements in transistor scaling together with microarchitectural advances have made po...
Tesis por compendio[EN] The work done for this doctorate thesis focuses on error correction of Next ...
As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and m...
The so-called "power (or power density) wall" has caused core frequency (and single-thread performan...
This Ph.D. thesis illustrates a novel study on the analytical and numerical design optimization of r...
From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress ...
The increasing demand for new functionalities in current and future hard real-time embedded systems,...
Since the early 2000s, computer systems have seen a transition from single-core to multi-core system...
[EN] Nowadays, several communication standards are emerging and evolving, searching higher transmiss...
This thesis aims at contributing to overcome two of the main challenges for the deployment of M2M ne...
Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2010-2011, àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICTrends in battery-operate...
Structure system identification (SSI) can be classified as static and dynamic depending on the type ...
The present thesis aims at developing a basis for the numerical simulation of multiphase flows of im...
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de ComputadoresThe MEMS sensor market has experienced ...
Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció...
Continuous improvements in transistor scaling together with microarchitectural advances have made po...
Tesis por compendio[EN] The work done for this doctorate thesis focuses on error correction of Next ...