The hadronic lineshape of the Z has been analyzed for evidence of signals of new, narrow vector resonances in the Z-mass range. The production rate of such resonances would be enhanced due to mixing with the Z. No evidence for new states is found, and it is thus possible to exclude, at the 95% confidence level, a quarkonium state in the mass range from 87.7 to 94.7 GeV
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Ajinenko, I and
Aleksan, R
Alekseev, GD
Allport, PP
Almehed, S
Amaldi, U
Amato, S
Andreazza, A
Andrieux, ML and
Antilogus, P
Apel, WD
Arnoud, Y
Asman, B
Augustin, A and
Baillon, P
Bambade, P
Barao, F
Barate, R
Barbiellini, G
and Bardin, DY
Barker, GJ
Baroncelli, A
Barring, O and
Barrio, JA
Bartl, W
Bates, MJ
Battaglia, M
Baubillier, M
and Baudot, J
Becks, KH
Begalli, M
Beilliere, P and
Belokopytov, Y
Belous, K
Benvenuti, AC
Berggren, M and
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bigi, M
Bilenky, MS
Billoir, P
and Bloch, D
Blume, M
Blyth, S
Bocci, V
Bolognese, T and
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, PSL
Borisov, G
Bosio, C
and Bosworth, S
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C and
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzo, M
Banchini, P
Brand, KD
Brenke, T
and Brenner, RA
Bricman, C
Brillault, L
Brown, RCA and
Bruckman, P
Brunet, JM
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burgsmueller, T
and Buschmann, P
Buys, A
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Rozas, AJC
and Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Canepa, M
Cankocak, K
Cao, F
and Carena, F
Carrilho, P
Carroll, L
Casco, C
Cattai, A
Cavallo, FR
Cerrito, L
Chabaud, V and
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J
Checchia, P and
Chelkov, GA
Chierici, R
Chliapnikov, P
Chochula, P and
Chorowicz, V
Cindro, V
Collins, P
Contreras, JL
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Cossutti, F
Crawley, HB and
Crennell, D
Crosetti, G
Maestro, JC
Czellar, S and
DahlJensen, E
Dahm, J
Dalmagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G and
Dauncey, PD
Davenport, M
DaSilva, W
Defoix, C
DellaRicca, G
Delpierre, P
Demaria, N
DeAngelis, A and
DeBoeck, H
DeBoer, W
DeBrabandere, S
DeClercq, C and
DeLaVaissiere, C
DeLotto, B
DeMin, A
DePaula, L and
DeSaintJean, C
Dijkstra, H
DiCiaccio, L
Djama, F and
Dolbeau, J
Donszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
and Drees, KA
Dris, M
Dufour, Y
Dupont, F
Edsall, D and
Ehret, R
Eigen, G
Ekelof, T
Ekspong, G
Elsing, M and
Engel, JP
Ershaidat, N
Erzen, B
Santo, ME
Falk, E and
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, M
Ferrer, A
Filippas, TA and
Firestone, A
Fischer, PA
Foeth, H
Fokitis, E
Formenti, F
Franek, B
Frenkiel, P
Fries, DC and
Frodesen, AG
Fruhwirth, R
FuldaQuenzer, F
Fuster, J and
Galloni, A
Gamba, D
Gandelman, M
Garcia, C
Garcia, J and
Gasper, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, EN
Gele, D and
Gerber, JP
Gibbs, M
Gokieli, R
Golob, G
Gorn, L and
Gorski, M
Gouz, Y
Gracco, V
Graziani, G
Grzelak, K and
Gumenyuk, S
Gunnarsson, P
Gunther, M
Guy, J
Hahn, F and
Hahn, S
Hajduk, Z
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Hao, W and
Harris, FJ
Hedberg, V
Henriques, R
Hernandez, JJ and
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, TL
Higon, E
Hilke, HJ and
Hill, TS
Holmgren, SO
Holt, PJ
Holthuizen, D
Houlden, M
Hrubec, J
Huet, K
Hultqvist, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, P
Janik, R
Jarlskog, G and
Jarry, P
JeanMaire, B
Johansson, EK
Jonsson, L
Joram, C
Juillot, P
Kaiser, M
Kapusta, F and
Karafasoulis, K
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S and
Katsoufis, EC
Keranen, R
Khomenko, BA
Khovanski, NN and
King, B
Kjaer, NJ
Klein, H
Klovning, A
Kluit, P and
Koene, B
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Kostioukhine, V and
Kourkoumelis, C
Kouznetsov, O
Kramer, PH
Krammer, M and
Kreuter, C
Krolikowski, J
Kronkvist, I
Krumstein, Z and
Krupinski, W
Kubinec, P
Kucewicz, W
Kurvinen, K
Laktineh, I
Lamblot, S
Lamsa, JW
Lanceri, L
Langefeld, P
Lapin, V
Last, L
Laugier, JP and
Lauhakangas, R
Leder, G
Ledroit, F
Lefebure, V
Legan, CK
and Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, G and
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Liko, D
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
and Lippi, I
Loerstad, B
Lokajicek, M
Loken, JG
LopezFernandez, A
Aguera, MAL
Loukas, D
Lutz, P and
Lyons, L
MacNaughton, J
Maehlum, G
Maio, A
Malychev, V
and Maocun, C
Marco, J
Marechal, B
Margoni, M
Marin, JC
and Mariotti, C
Markou, A
Maron, T
MartinezRivero, C and
MartinezVidal, F
MartiGarcia, S
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C and
Matthiae, G
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M
McKay, R
McNulty, R
and Medbo, J
Meroni, C
Meyer, S
Meyer, WT
Miagkov, A and
Michelotto, M
Migliore, E
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, WA and
Mjoernmark, U
Moa, T
Moeller, R
Moenig, K
Monge, MR and
Morettini, P
Mueller, H
Mundim, LM
Murray, WJ
Muryn, B
and Myatt, G
Naraghi, F
Navarria, FL
Navas, S
Negri, P
and Nemecek, S
Neumann, W
Neumeister, N
Nicolaidou, R and
Nielsen, BS
Nieuwenhuizen, M
Nikolaenko, V
Niss, P and
Nomerotski, A
Normand, A
OberschulteBeckmann, W
Obraztsov, V
and Olshevski, AG
Onofre, A
Orava, R
Osterberg, K and
Ouraou, A
Paganini, P
Paganoni, M
Pages, P
Palka, H and
Papadopoulou, TD
Papageorgiou, K
Pape, L
Parkes, C and
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Peralta, L
Pernegger, H
and Pernicka, M
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A and
Petrovyck, M
Phillips, HT
Piana, G
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
and Pindo, M
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, ME
Poropat, P
Pozdniakov, V
Prest, M
Privitera, P and
Pukhaeva, N
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Rames, J
and Ratoff, PN
Read, AL
Reale, M
Rebecchi, P
Regler, M
Reid, D
Renton, PB
Resvanis, LK and
Richard, F
Richardson, J
Ridky, J
Rinaudo, G
Ripp, L and
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Roos, L
Rosso, E
Roudeau, P
Rovelli, T
Ruckstuhl, W and
RuhlmannKleider, V
Ruiz, A
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Y and
Sadovsky, A
Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sanchez, J
Sannino, M and
Schimmelpfennig, M
Schneider, H
Schwickerath, U
Schyns, MAE
and Scilla, G
Scuri, F
Seager, P
Sedykh, Y
Segar, AM and
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R
Shellard, RC
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P
and Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sisakian, AN
Sitar, B and
Skaali, TB
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smirnova, O
Smith, GR
and Sosnowski, R
SouzaSantos, D
Spassov, T
Spiriti, E and
Sponholz, P
Squarcia, S
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, S and
Stavitski, L
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Tabarelli, T and
Tavernet, JP
Tchikilev, O
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J and
Tkatchev, LG
Todorov, T
Toet, DZ
Tomaradze, A
Tome, B
and Tortora, L
Transtromer, G
Treille, D
Trischuk, W and
Tristram, G
Trombini, A
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A
Turluer, ML
and Tyapkin, IA
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Ueberschaer, B and
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
Vallazza, E and
VanderVelde, C
VanApeldoorn, GW
VanDam, P
VanDoninck, WK and
VanEldik, J
Vassilopoulos, N
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, LS
Vilanova, D and
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, AS
Vrba, V
and Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Weierstall, ME
Weilhammer, P and
Weiser, C
Wetherell, AM
Wicke, D
Wickens, JH
Wielers, M
and Wilkinson, GR
Williams, WSC
Winter, M
Witek, M and
Woschnagg, K
Yip, K
Yushchenko, O
Zach, F
Zacharatou, C
and Zaitsev, A
Zalewska, A
Zalewski, P
Zavrtanik, D and
Zevgolatakos, E
Zimin, NI
Zito, M
Zontar, D
Zuberi, R
and Zucchelli, GC
Zumerle, G
January 1996
A search has been made for direct production of heavy quarkonium states
in more than 3 million hadro...
Abreu, P
Adam, W
Adye, T
Agasi, E
Ajinenko, I and
Aleksan, R
Alekseev, GD
Allport, PP
Almehed, S
Amaldi, U
Amato, S
Andreazza, A
Andrieux, ML and
Antilogus, P
Apel, WD
Arnoud, Y
Asman, B
Augustin, A and
Baillon, P
Bambade, P
Barao, F
Barate, R
Barbiellini, G
and Bardin, DY
Barker, GJ
Baroncelli, A
Barring, O and
Barrio, JA
Bartl, W
Bates, MJ
Battaglia, M
Baubillier, M
and Baudot, J
Becks, KH
Begalli, M
Beilliere, P and
Belokopytov, Y
Belous, K
Benvenuti, AC
Berggren, M and
Bertrand, D
Bianchi, F
Bigi, M
Bilenky, MS
Billoir, P
and Bloch, D
Blume, M
Blyth, S
Bocci, V
Bolognese, T and
Bonesini, M
Bonivento, W
Booth, PSL
Borisov, G
Bosio, C
and Bosworth, S
Botner, O
Bouquet, B
Bourdarios, C and
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzo, M
Banchini, P
Brand, KD
Brenke, T
and Brenner, RA
Bricman, C
Brillault, L
Brown, RCA and
Bruckman, P
Brunet, JM
Bugge, L
Buran, T
Burgsmueller, T
and Buschmann, P
Buys, A
Caccia, M
Calvi, M
Rozas, AJC
and Camporesi, T
Canale, V
Canepa, M
Cankocak, K
Cao, F
and Carena, F
Carrilho, P
Carroll, L
Casco, C
Cattai, A
Cavallo, FR
Cerrito, L
Chabaud, V and
Charpentier, P
Chaussard, L
Chauveau, J
Checchia, P and
Chelkov, GA
Chierici, R
Chliapnikov, P
Chochula, P and
Chorowicz, V
Cindro, V
Collins, P
Contreras, JL
Cortina, E
Cosme, G
Cossutti, F
Crawley, HB and
Crennell, D
Crosetti, G
Maestro, JC
Czellar, S and
DahlJensen, E
Dahm, J
Dalmagne, B
Dam, M
Damgaard, G and
Dauncey, PD
Davenport, M
DaSilva, W
Defoix, C
DellaRicca, G
Delpierre, P
Demaria, N
DeAngelis, A and
DeBoeck, H
DeBoer, W
DeBrabandere, S
DeClercq, C and
DeLaVaissiere, C
DeLotto, B
DeMin, A
DePaula, L and
DeSaintJean, C
Dijkstra, H
DiCiaccio, L
Djama, F and
Dolbeau, J
Donszelmann, M
Doroba, K
Dracos, M
Drees, J
and Drees, KA
Dris, M
Dufour, Y
Dupont, F
Edsall, D and
Ehret, R
Eigen, G
Ekelof, T
Ekspong, G
Elsing, M and
Engel, JP
Ershaidat, N
Erzen, B
Santo, ME
Falk, E and
Fassouliotis, D
Feindt, M
Ferrer, A
Filippas, TA and
Firestone, A
Fischer, PA
Foeth, H
Fokitis, E
Formenti, F
Franek, B
Frenkiel, P
Fries, DC and
Frodesen, AG
Fruhwirth, R
FuldaQuenzer, F
Fuster, J and
Galloni, A
Gamba, D
Gandelman, M
Garcia, C
Garcia, J and
Gasper, C
Gasparini, U
Gavillet, P
Gazis, EN
Gele, D and
Gerber, JP
Gibbs, M
Gokieli, R
Golob, G
Gorn, L and
Gorski, M
Gouz, Y
Gracco, V
Graziani, G
Grzelak, K and
Gumenyuk, S
Gunnarsson, P
Gunther, M
Guy, J
Hahn, F and
Hahn, S
Hajduk, Z
Hallgren, A
Hamacher, K
Hao, W and
Harris, FJ
Hedberg, V
Henriques, R
Hernandez, JJ and
Herquet, P
Herr, H
Hessing, TL
Higon, E
Hilke, HJ and
Hill, TS
Holmgren, SO
Holt, PJ
Holthuizen, D
Houlden, M
Hrubec, J
Huet, K
Hultqvist, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, P
Janik, R
Jarlskog, G and
Jarry, P
JeanMaire, B
Johansson, EK
Jonsson, L
Joram, C
Juillot, P
Kaiser, M
Kapusta, F and
Karafasoulis, K
Karlsson, M
Karvelas, E
Katsanevas, S and
Katsoufis, EC
Keranen, R
Khomenko, BA
Khovanski, NN and
King, B
Kjaer, NJ
Klein, H
Klovning, A
Kluit, P and
Koene, B
Kokkinias, P
Koratzinos, M
Kostioukhine, V and
Kourkoumelis, C
Kouznetsov, O
Kramer, PH
Krammer, M and
Kreuter, C
Krolikowski, J
Kronkvist, I
Krumstein, Z and
Krupinski, W
Kubinec, P
Kucewicz, W
Kurvinen, K
Laktineh, I
Lamblot, S
Lamsa, JW
Lanceri, L
Langefeld, P
Lapin, V
Last, L
Laugier, JP and
Lauhakangas, R
Leder, G
Ledroit, F
Lefebure, V
Legan, CK
and Leitner, R
Lemoigne, Y
Lemonne, J
Lenzen, G and
Lepeltier, V
Lesiak, T
Liko, D
Lindner, R
Lipniacka, A
and Lippi, I
Loerstad, B
Lokajicek, M
Loken, JG
LopezFernandez, A
Aguera, MAL
Loukas, D
Lutz, P and
Lyons, L
MacNaughton, J
Maehlum, G
Maio, A
Malychev, V
and Maocun, C
Marco, J
Marechal, B
Margoni, M
Marin, JC
and Mariotti, C
Markou, A
Maron, T
MartinezRivero, C and
MartinezVidal, F
MartiGarcia, S
Matorras, F
Matteuzzi, C and
Matthiae, G
Mazzucato, M
McCubbin, M
McKay, R
McNulty, R
and Medbo, J
Meroni, C
Meyer, S
Meyer, WT
Miagkov, A and
Michelotto, M
Migliore, E
Mirabito, L
Mitaroff, WA and
Mjoernmark, U
Moa, T
Moeller, R
Moenig, K
Monge, MR and
Morettini, P
Mueller, H
Mundim, LM
Murray, WJ
Muryn, B
and Myatt, G
Naraghi, F
Navarria, FL
Navas, S
Negri, P
and Nemecek, S
Neumann, W
Neumeister, N
Nicolaidou, R and
Nielsen, BS
Nieuwenhuizen, M
Nikolaenko, V
Niss, P and
Nomerotski, A
Normand, A
OberschulteBeckmann, W
Obraztsov, V
and Olshevski, AG
Onofre, A
Orava, R
Osterberg, K and
Ouraou, A
Paganini, P
Paganoni, M
Pages, P
Palka, H and
Papadopoulou, TD
Papageorgiou, K
Pape, L
Parkes, C and
Parodi, F
Passeri, A
Pegoraro, M
Peralta, L
Pernegger, H
and Pernicka, M
Perrotta, A
Petridou, C
Petrolini, A and
Petrovyck, M
Phillips, HT
Piana, G
Pierre, F
Pimenta, M
and Pindo, M
Plaszczynski, S
Podobrin, O
Pol, ME
Poropat, P
Pozdniakov, V
Prest, M
Privitera, P and
Pukhaeva, N
Radojicic, D
Ragazzi, S
Rahmani, H
Rames, J
and Ratoff, PN
Read, AL
Reale, M
Rebecchi, P
Regler, M
Reid, D
Renton, PB
Resvanis, LK and
Richard, F
Richardson, J
Ridky, J
Rinaudo, G
Ripp, L and
Romero, A
Roncagliolo, I
Ronchese, P
Roos, L
Rosso, E
Roudeau, P
Rovelli, T
Ruckstuhl, W and
RuhlmannKleider, V
Ruiz, A
Saarikko, H
Sacquin, Y and
Sadovsky, A
Sajot, G
Salt, J
Sanchez, J
Sannino, M and
Schimmelpfennig, M
Schneider, H
Schwickerath, U
Schyns, MAE
and Scilla, G
Scuri, F
Seager, P
Sedykh, Y
Segar, AM and
Seitz, A
Sekulin, R
Shellard, RC
Siccama, I
Siegrist, P
and Simonetti, S
Simonetto, F
Sisakian, AN
Sitar, B and
Skaali, TB
Smadja, G
Smirnov, N
Smirnova, O
Smith, GR
and Sosnowski, R
SouzaSantos, D
Spassov, T
Spiriti, E and
Sponholz, P
Squarcia, S
Stanescu, C
Stapnes, S and
Stavitski, L
Stichelbaut, F
Stocchi, A
Strauss, J
Stugu, B
Szczekowski, M
Szeptycka, M
Tabarelli, T and
Tavernet, JP
Tchikilev, O
Tilquin, A
Timmermans, J and
Tkatchev, LG
Todorov, T
Toet, DZ
Tomaradze, A
Tome, B
and Tortora, L
Transtromer, G
Treille, D
Trischuk, W and
Tristram, G
Trombini, A
Troncon, C
Tsirou, A
Turluer, ML
and Tyapkin, IA
Tyndel, M
Tzamarias, S
Ueberschaer, B and
Ullaland, O
Uvarov, V
Valenti, G
Vallazza, E and
VanderVelde, C
VanApeldoorn, GW
VanDam, P
VanDoninck, WK and
VanEldik, J
Vassilopoulos, N
Vegni, G
Ventura, L
Verbeure, F
Verlato, M
Vertogradov, LS
Vilanova, D and
Vincent, P
Vitale, L
Vlasov, E
Vodopyanov, AS
Vrba, V
and Wahlen, H
Walck, C
Weierstall, ME
Weilhammer, P and
Weiser, C
Wetherell, AM
Wicke, D
Wickens, JH
Wielers, M
and Wilkinson, GR
Williams, WSC
Winter, M
Witek, M and
Woschnagg, K
Yip, K
Yushchenko, O
Zach, F
Zacharatou, C
and Zaitsev, A
Zalewska, A
Zalewski, P
Zavrtanik, D and
Zevgolatakos, E
Zimin, NI
Zito, M
Zontar, D
Zuberi, R
and Zucchelli, GC
Zumerle, G
January 1996
A search has been made for direct production of heavy quarkonium states
in more than 3 million hadro...