The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) was positive in 134 (36.1%) of 371 anemic dogs with internal diseases. Four principal types of reaction were recognized: IgG alone in 15 (11.2%), IgG + C′ in 41 (30.6%), C′ alone in 74 (55.2%) and IgM + C′ in 2 (1.5%). Rarely, IgM and/or IgA reactions occurred in association with strong IgG + C′ reactions. In 2 (1.5%) DAT-positive dogs the type of reaction was not clear. One or more symptoms of hemolysis, such as hemoglobinemia, indirect type hyperbilirubinemia, increased red cell osmotic fragility, and increased fecal urobilinogen excretion, were demonstrated in 84 DAT-positive dogs. These consisted of 10 of 15 dogs with IgG type DAT, 36 of 41 dogs with IgG + C′ type DAT, 36 of 74 dogs with C′ type DAT...