Background data / motivations / sexual experience / data on the father. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ religio
Description of problems young people experience developing sexual interests and contacts in relation...
Occupational activities / patterns of contact / level of aspiration / decision-making regarding home...
Detailed background data on own husband, parents and ex-husband / religious attitude / experiences d...
Background data / motivations / sexual experience / data on the father. Background variables: basic ...
Detailed background data on own husband, parents and ex-husband / religious attitude / experiences d...
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wif...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Housing situation / contacts with neighbours / housing history / living together with somebody / dat...
Consequences for family life, children / attitude of husband / role differentiation in the home / mo...
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wif...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Contacts with relatives / visiting parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters / financial support...
Contact with friends / relations with parents / leisure time / activities outdoors / drinking / part...
Motivations for membership / psychological problems / preoccupations / social and sexual contacts / ...
Description of problems young people experience developing sexual interests and contacts in relation...
Occupational activities / patterns of contact / level of aspiration / decision-making regarding home...
Detailed background data on own husband, parents and ex-husband / religious attitude / experiences d...
Background data / motivations / sexual experience / data on the father. Background variables: basic ...
Detailed background data on own husband, parents and ex-husband / religious attitude / experiences d...
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wif...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Housing situation / contacts with neighbours / housing history / living together with somebody / dat...
Consequences for family life, children / attitude of husband / role differentiation in the home / mo...
Family situation / occupation of husband / marriage / financial relationship between husband and wif...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Detailed background data on marriage and family / religion and occupation / satisfaction with job / ...
Contacts with relatives / visiting parents, parents-in-law, brothers and sisters / financial support...
Contact with friends / relations with parents / leisure time / activities outdoors / drinking / part...
Motivations for membership / psychological problems / preoccupations / social and sexual contacts / ...
Description of problems young people experience developing sexual interests and contacts in relation...
Occupational activities / patterns of contact / level of aspiration / decision-making regarding home...
Detailed background data on own husband, parents and ex-husband / religious attitude / experiences d...