textabstractCancer is the unrestricted growth of cells in an organism, which can eventually destroy organs that are needed for survival of the organism. Throughout human history, cancer has been one of the major medical causes of death. At the moment, there are about 840.000 cancer fatalities in Europe per year. It is estimated that in the westem world approximately 1 in 3 people will develop some kind of tumor during their lifetime, and more than 1 in 5 will die of it. Although significant progress has been achieved in the fight against cancer in the last decades, still about half of the cancers cannot be cured. Currently, the three main therapies for cancer are surgery (removing the tumor), radiotherapy (killing the tumor cells with radia...
textabstractIn The Netherlands. head and neck cancer (3.9%) ranks the eighth most frequemly diagnosc...
This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the British Institute of Radiology ...
Chemotherapy simply means treatment with chemicals. Those used to treat cancer are called cytotoxic ...
Cancer patients treated with radiotherapy are generally treated with a large number of small daily d...
textabstractCancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Next to surgery and chemother...
textabstractIn radiation oncology, the treatment aims include cure of cancer (curative radiotherapy)...
Methods for ensuring that the intended volume receives the intended absorbed dose in radiotherapy ha...
Radiotherapy is an important cancer treatment: in patients who are cured of cancer, radiotherapy con...
La radiothérapie utilise les radiations dans le but d’éradiquer les cellules cancéreuses, principale...
The recent advances in radiation delivery can improve tumour control probability and reduce treatmen...
As radical radiotherapy treatments become more effective, more and more cancer patients are becoming...
Radiotherapy may help achieve different treatment goals. For example, it may increase the effectiven...
Treatment planning is the core in radiotherapy. The present study aimed to explore the relationship ...
Radiotherapy is a localised treatment. The definition of tumour and target volumes for radiotherapy ...
Themainstepsinplanningradiotherapyconsistinselectingforanypatient diagnosed with a solid tumor (i) a...
textabstractIn The Netherlands. head and neck cancer (3.9%) ranks the eighth most frequemly diagnosc...
This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the British Institute of Radiology ...
Chemotherapy simply means treatment with chemicals. Those used to treat cancer are called cytotoxic ...
Cancer patients treated with radiotherapy are generally treated with a large number of small daily d...
textabstractCancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Next to surgery and chemother...
textabstractIn radiation oncology, the treatment aims include cure of cancer (curative radiotherapy)...
Methods for ensuring that the intended volume receives the intended absorbed dose in radiotherapy ha...
Radiotherapy is an important cancer treatment: in patients who are cured of cancer, radiotherapy con...
La radiothérapie utilise les radiations dans le but d’éradiquer les cellules cancéreuses, principale...
The recent advances in radiation delivery can improve tumour control probability and reduce treatmen...
As radical radiotherapy treatments become more effective, more and more cancer patients are becoming...
Radiotherapy may help achieve different treatment goals. For example, it may increase the effectiven...
Treatment planning is the core in radiotherapy. The present study aimed to explore the relationship ...
Radiotherapy is a localised treatment. The definition of tumour and target volumes for radiotherapy ...
Themainstepsinplanningradiotherapyconsistinselectingforanypatient diagnosed with a solid tumor (i) a...
textabstractIn The Netherlands. head and neck cancer (3.9%) ranks the eighth most frequemly diagnosc...
This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the British Institute of Radiology ...
Chemotherapy simply means treatment with chemicals. Those used to treat cancer are called cytotoxic ...