Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is commonly used to treat saphenous varicosities. Very high temperatures at the laser fibre tip have been reported during EVLA. We hypothesized that the laser irradiation deposits a layer of strongly absorbing carbonized blood of very high temperature on the fibre tip. We sought to prove the existence of these layers and study their properties by optical transmission, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and microscopy. We analysed 23 EVLA fibres, 8 used at 810 nm, 7 at 940 nm and 8 at 1,470 nm. We measured the transmission of these fibres in two wavelength bands (450-950 nm; 950-1,650 nm). We used 1,310 nm OCT to assess the thickness of the layers and the attenuation as a function of depth to determine the ab...