Survival of microorganisms exposed to shock wave and cryogenic temperature during whole air sampling of upper atmospher
Death rates of microorganisms deposited on surfaces of stainless steel and electronic components by ...
The viability and dry heat resistance of indigenous microflora associated with small soil particles ...
A laboratory method has been conceived to enable the enumeration of (1) Cultivable bacteria and bact...
Survival of microoranisms exposed to shock wave and cryogenic temperatures during upper atmospheric ...
Rocket and balloon borne exposure experiments on survival of microorganisms in space environmen
Effects of dry heat and chemicals on long term survival rates of bacteria spores under varying tempe...
Recovery of microorganisms from solids, testing of organic solvents, and removal of microbial contam...
Daily freezing, thawing cycles, and ultraviolet irradiation effects on bacteria surviva
Survival of bacterial spores under various temperature and humidity conditions related to planetary ...
Dry heat resistances of bacterial spores, and levels of microbial contamination on Apollo spacecraf
Measurement techniques for determining microbial contamination from occupied space suit
Evaluation of vacuum probe for sampling dust and microbiological surface contaminatio
Extraterrestrial life in simulated Martian environment, and effects of barometric pressure and carbo...
Heat shock effects on bacterial spore recovery and Apollo 9, 10, and 11 microbial contamination dat
Survival of selected microorganisms exposed to high ultraviolet flux equivalent to Martian surfac
Death rates of microorganisms deposited on surfaces of stainless steel and electronic components by ...
The viability and dry heat resistance of indigenous microflora associated with small soil particles ...
A laboratory method has been conceived to enable the enumeration of (1) Cultivable bacteria and bact...
Survival of microoranisms exposed to shock wave and cryogenic temperatures during upper atmospheric ...
Rocket and balloon borne exposure experiments on survival of microorganisms in space environmen
Effects of dry heat and chemicals on long term survival rates of bacteria spores under varying tempe...
Recovery of microorganisms from solids, testing of organic solvents, and removal of microbial contam...
Daily freezing, thawing cycles, and ultraviolet irradiation effects on bacteria surviva
Survival of bacterial spores under various temperature and humidity conditions related to planetary ...
Dry heat resistances of bacterial spores, and levels of microbial contamination on Apollo spacecraf
Measurement techniques for determining microbial contamination from occupied space suit
Evaluation of vacuum probe for sampling dust and microbiological surface contaminatio
Extraterrestrial life in simulated Martian environment, and effects of barometric pressure and carbo...
Heat shock effects on bacterial spore recovery and Apollo 9, 10, and 11 microbial contamination dat
Survival of selected microorganisms exposed to high ultraviolet flux equivalent to Martian surfac
Death rates of microorganisms deposited on surfaces of stainless steel and electronic components by ...
The viability and dry heat resistance of indigenous microflora associated with small soil particles ...
A laboratory method has been conceived to enable the enumeration of (1) Cultivable bacteria and bact...