Average atmosphere for particles trapped in earth magnetic field - Fortran progra
Effect of variations in interplanetary magnetic field on solar cosmic rays from Mariner II OBSERVATI...
Computer code for calculating omnidirectional vehicle encountered trapped particle fluxe
Van Allen radiation belt and energetic protons and electrons trapped in geomagnetic fiel
Radiation measurements of geomagnetically trapped electrons by instruments on Relay I satellite in 1...
IMP-I and APL satellite observations of magnetic disturbance between earth magnetic tail and radiati...
Spatial and temporal behavior of high energy trapped electrons in outer zone of magnetospher
Trapped radiation detector on Mariner IV space probe measurement of outer Van Allen belt - feasibil...
Long term variations in high energy geomagnetically trapped particles from satellite detector dat
Earth geomagnetic core field model construction from land and ocean magnetometer dat
Geomagnetic field geometry tables for trapped radiation and particles using scalar magnetic field in...
Adiabatic invariant trapped radiation shells and cosmic ray cutoff magnetosphere models distorted by...
Magnetosphere and boundary layer - earth magnetic field measurements by Explorer XVIII satellit
Interplanetary magnetic field role in counterstreaming ion-ion instability in ion thermalization pro...
Measurements of magnetic fields in interplanetary space and magnetosphere by satellites and space pr...
Average atmosphere for particles trapped in earth magnetic field - Fortran progra
Effect of variations in interplanetary magnetic field on solar cosmic rays from Mariner II OBSERVATI...
Computer code for calculating omnidirectional vehicle encountered trapped particle fluxe
Van Allen radiation belt and energetic protons and electrons trapped in geomagnetic fiel
Radiation measurements of geomagnetically trapped electrons by instruments on Relay I satellite in 1...
IMP-I and APL satellite observations of magnetic disturbance between earth magnetic tail and radiati...
Spatial and temporal behavior of high energy trapped electrons in outer zone of magnetospher
Trapped radiation detector on Mariner IV space probe measurement of outer Van Allen belt - feasibil...
Long term variations in high energy geomagnetically trapped particles from satellite detector dat
Earth geomagnetic core field model construction from land and ocean magnetometer dat
Geomagnetic field geometry tables for trapped radiation and particles using scalar magnetic field in...
Adiabatic invariant trapped radiation shells and cosmic ray cutoff magnetosphere models distorted by...
Magnetosphere and boundary layer - earth magnetic field measurements by Explorer XVIII satellit
Interplanetary magnetic field role in counterstreaming ion-ion instability in ion thermalization pro...
Measurements of magnetic fields in interplanetary space and magnetosphere by satellites and space pr...
Average atmosphere for particles trapped in earth magnetic field - Fortran progra
Effect of variations in interplanetary magnetic field on solar cosmic rays from Mariner II OBSERVATI...
Computer code for calculating omnidirectional vehicle encountered trapped particle fluxe