Nuclear radiation and cryogenic temperature effects on tensile and fatigue properties of aluminum and titanium alloy
High temperature fatigue data on refractory alloys in ultrahigh vacuum - tests on titanium- zirconiu...
Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Elevated-temperature fatigue data on notched and smooth specimens of refractory alloys in ultrahigh ...
Aluminum 1099 and titanium alloys tested for tensile properties at cryogenic temperatures after irra...
Combined effects of fast neutron irradiation and cryogenic environment of mechanical properties of h...
Nuclear radiation effects on aluminum, titanium, vanadium, and tin alloys at cryogenic temperatur
Postirradiation annealing effects at cryogenic temperatures on tensile properties of commercially pu...
Effects of interim heating on tensile properties of A 286 austenitic stainless steel irradiated at c...
Measured effects of various combinations of nuclear radiation, vacuum, and cryotemperatures on compo...
Mechanical properties of cryogenically stretched type 301 stainless steel and aluminum alloys 2021-T...
Tensile properties of irradiated titanium, aluminum, and tin alloy at cryogenic temperatur
Specimens fabricated from structural materials that were candidates for certain NERVA applications w...
Tests to determine the tensile and fatigue properties of Inconel 718 at cryogenic temperatures show ...
Selection of high emittance coatings for nuclear space power plant radiators - characteristics of ir...
Tensile and fatigue properties and liquid oxygen compatibility of bilaminate stainless steel-clad ti...
High temperature fatigue data on refractory alloys in ultrahigh vacuum - tests on titanium- zirconiu...
Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Elevated-temperature fatigue data on notched and smooth specimens of refractory alloys in ultrahigh ...
Aluminum 1099 and titanium alloys tested for tensile properties at cryogenic temperatures after irra...
Combined effects of fast neutron irradiation and cryogenic environment of mechanical properties of h...
Nuclear radiation effects on aluminum, titanium, vanadium, and tin alloys at cryogenic temperatur
Postirradiation annealing effects at cryogenic temperatures on tensile properties of commercially pu...
Effects of interim heating on tensile properties of A 286 austenitic stainless steel irradiated at c...
Measured effects of various combinations of nuclear radiation, vacuum, and cryotemperatures on compo...
Mechanical properties of cryogenically stretched type 301 stainless steel and aluminum alloys 2021-T...
Tensile properties of irradiated titanium, aluminum, and tin alloy at cryogenic temperatur
Specimens fabricated from structural materials that were candidates for certain NERVA applications w...
Tests to determine the tensile and fatigue properties of Inconel 718 at cryogenic temperatures show ...
Selection of high emittance coatings for nuclear space power plant radiators - characteristics of ir...
Tensile and fatigue properties and liquid oxygen compatibility of bilaminate stainless steel-clad ti...
High temperature fatigue data on refractory alloys in ultrahigh vacuum - tests on titanium- zirconiu...
Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Elevated-temperature fatigue data on notched and smooth specimens of refractory alloys in ultrahigh ...