Qualitative determination of charged particle cloud motion through corona and excitation of electron plasma oscillations through analysis of test particle electromagnetic field in plasm
Low energy particle fluxes in geomagnetic tail, and plasma sheet relation to auroral ova
Plasma energy density and conductivity measured at pressures from 3 to 120 kilobar
Current density distribution in exhaust plume of pulsed plasma accelerator determined by magnetic pr...
Space plasma experiments involving Alouette resonances and diagnostic techniques applied to electron...
Ion energy transfer, collision frequencies, and resonance charge exchange of neutral gases for study...
Detailed measurements of the axial velocity profile and electromagnetic structure of a high power, q...
Elastic collisions and energy transfer between gases with separate Maxwellian velocity distribution
Comparison of atmospheric electric field in 1 to 30 c/s band and resonant frequencies of modes of el...
Rice University ion detector aboard synchronous orbit Applications Technology Satellite /ATS-1
Magnetic probe and ion collector study of pulsed plasma propulsion system exhaust jet plum
Rocketborne radiation detector observations of 10 cps periodicity in auroral electron precipitatio
Variations in monopole and dipole antenna reactance related to ionospheric sounding rocket spin peri...
Computer model calculations of mutual effects of precipitated auroral electrons and electroje
Photoelectron flux measurements in topside ionosphere using retarding potential analyzer
Technique for measuring microwave radiation scattering for application to measurement of properties ...
Low energy particle fluxes in geomagnetic tail, and plasma sheet relation to auroral ova
Plasma energy density and conductivity measured at pressures from 3 to 120 kilobar
Current density distribution in exhaust plume of pulsed plasma accelerator determined by magnetic pr...
Space plasma experiments involving Alouette resonances and diagnostic techniques applied to electron...
Ion energy transfer, collision frequencies, and resonance charge exchange of neutral gases for study...
Detailed measurements of the axial velocity profile and electromagnetic structure of a high power, q...
Elastic collisions and energy transfer between gases with separate Maxwellian velocity distribution
Comparison of atmospheric electric field in 1 to 30 c/s band and resonant frequencies of modes of el...
Rice University ion detector aboard synchronous orbit Applications Technology Satellite /ATS-1
Magnetic probe and ion collector study of pulsed plasma propulsion system exhaust jet plum
Rocketborne radiation detector observations of 10 cps periodicity in auroral electron precipitatio
Variations in monopole and dipole antenna reactance related to ionospheric sounding rocket spin peri...
Computer model calculations of mutual effects of precipitated auroral electrons and electroje
Photoelectron flux measurements in topside ionosphere using retarding potential analyzer
Technique for measuring microwave radiation scattering for application to measurement of properties ...
Low energy particle fluxes in geomagnetic tail, and plasma sheet relation to auroral ova
Plasma energy density and conductivity measured at pressures from 3 to 120 kilobar
Current density distribution in exhaust plume of pulsed plasma accelerator determined by magnetic pr...