Mars analogues environments are some of the most extreme locations on Earth. Their unique combinati...
Rocket and balloon borne exposure experiments on survival of microorganisms in space environmen
University Honors Capstone Project Paper, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2016.The study of extremop...
Importance of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus survival and growth to extraterrestrial plan...
Simulated Martian environment growth experiments conducted with Staphylococcus aureu
Extraterrestrial life in simulated Martian environment, and effects of barometric pressure and carbo...
Daily freezing, thawing cycles, and ultraviolet irradiation effects on bacteria surviva
Effect of barometric pressure and carbon dioxide on Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobac...
Incubation temperature and salt concentration effects on Staphylococcus aureus growth in simulated M...
Life in extraterrestrial environments - simulation of martian environment and survival of microorgan...
Simulated Martian atmospheric and ecological effects on Bacillus cereus spore germinatio
Effects of different freeze cycles on Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis in simulated Martian env...
Growth response of Bacillus cereus and subtilis cells subjected to modified Martian environment with...
A microbial population profile of mixed Cape Canaveral soil samples is presented. During this invest...
Effects of simulated anaerobic planetary environment on biochemical activities of terrestrial microo...
Mars analogues environments are some of the most extreme locations on Earth. Their unique combinati...
Rocket and balloon borne exposure experiments on survival of microorganisms in space environmen
University Honors Capstone Project Paper, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2016.The study of extremop...
Importance of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus survival and growth to extraterrestrial plan...
Simulated Martian environment growth experiments conducted with Staphylococcus aureu
Extraterrestrial life in simulated Martian environment, and effects of barometric pressure and carbo...
Daily freezing, thawing cycles, and ultraviolet irradiation effects on bacteria surviva
Effect of barometric pressure and carbon dioxide on Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobac...
Incubation temperature and salt concentration effects on Staphylococcus aureus growth in simulated M...
Life in extraterrestrial environments - simulation of martian environment and survival of microorgan...
Simulated Martian atmospheric and ecological effects on Bacillus cereus spore germinatio
Effects of different freeze cycles on Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis in simulated Martian env...
Growth response of Bacillus cereus and subtilis cells subjected to modified Martian environment with...
A microbial population profile of mixed Cape Canaveral soil samples is presented. During this invest...
Effects of simulated anaerobic planetary environment on biochemical activities of terrestrial microo...
Mars analogues environments are some of the most extreme locations on Earth. Their unique combinati...
Rocket and balloon borne exposure experiments on survival of microorganisms in space environmen
University Honors Capstone Project Paper, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2016.The study of extremop...