Hydrazine-based bipropellant liquid propulsion system exposed to ethylene oxide and heat sterilizati...
Ignition characteristics and delivered performance of gaseous hydrogen-oxygen reaction control thrus...
The program consists of parametric analysis and design to provide a consistent engine system data ba...
Analysis to determine regenerative cooling limits of light hydrocarbons used with FLOX and OF2 over ...
Regenerative cooling capabilities of light hydrocarbon fuels used with FLOX and oxygen fluoride
Analytical and experimental study of regenerative cooling for FLOX methane engine with bulk boiling ...
Testing thermal barrier coatings for flame surface of regeneratively cooled chamber operating with F...
Cooling systems for liquid propellant rocket engines operating at high chamber pressure
Catalysts for Aerozine-50 reforming and nitrogen tetroxide decomposition for development of rocket f...
Fabrication and thermal performance of regeneratively cooled fluorine hydrogen thrust chambe
Reliquefier design and cycles studied to reduce boiloff in extraterrestrial cryogenic propellant sto...
Chamber technology for space storable propellant combinations featuring oxygen difluorid
Energy transfer mechanisms in radiation, water, and regeneratively cooled, and MPD arc jet propulsio...
Storable rocket propellant fuel cells - nitrogen tetraoxide and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine dec...
Heat transfer, altitude performance, and combustion efficiency evaluated in study of space storable ...
Hydrazine-based bipropellant liquid propulsion system exposed to ethylene oxide and heat sterilizati...
Ignition characteristics and delivered performance of gaseous hydrogen-oxygen reaction control thrus...
The program consists of parametric analysis and design to provide a consistent engine system data ba...
Analysis to determine regenerative cooling limits of light hydrocarbons used with FLOX and OF2 over ...
Regenerative cooling capabilities of light hydrocarbon fuels used with FLOX and oxygen fluoride
Analytical and experimental study of regenerative cooling for FLOX methane engine with bulk boiling ...
Testing thermal barrier coatings for flame surface of regeneratively cooled chamber operating with F...
Cooling systems for liquid propellant rocket engines operating at high chamber pressure
Catalysts for Aerozine-50 reforming and nitrogen tetroxide decomposition for development of rocket f...
Fabrication and thermal performance of regeneratively cooled fluorine hydrogen thrust chambe
Reliquefier design and cycles studied to reduce boiloff in extraterrestrial cryogenic propellant sto...
Chamber technology for space storable propellant combinations featuring oxygen difluorid
Energy transfer mechanisms in radiation, water, and regeneratively cooled, and MPD arc jet propulsio...
Storable rocket propellant fuel cells - nitrogen tetraoxide and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine dec...
Heat transfer, altitude performance, and combustion efficiency evaluated in study of space storable ...
Hydrazine-based bipropellant liquid propulsion system exposed to ethylene oxide and heat sterilizati...
Ignition characteristics and delivered performance of gaseous hydrogen-oxygen reaction control thrus...
The program consists of parametric analysis and design to provide a consistent engine system data ba...