The machine readable catalog, as it is distributed from the Astronomical Data Center, is described. ...
Wide field measurements, namely, measurements of relative angular separations between stars over a r...
Sighting problems associated with sextant type measurement of star position for space navigatio
Predicting star magnitude which can be seen with naked eye or sextant through spacecraft windo
Wide angle optical pickup systems for generating visual displays for manned space flight simulatio
Electronically scanned star sensor with digital output for orbiting astronomical telescop
Predicting star magnitude visible through contaminated spacecraft window by naked eye or sextan
Breadboard model of star detector device consisting of thin film photosensitive and high dielectric ...
Electronic, optical, mechanical, and electron packaging component and system design reviews for high...
Input imaging medium selection for recording candidate star field to be recognized and tracked by ho...
Fabrication and testing of antenna system for use with airborne range and orbit determination transp...
Design and testing of solid state TV camera, FM TV transmitter, and AM baseband telemetry for space ...
Assessments of present and future sensors and sensor related technology are reported along with a de...
Astronomical observations of short period cluster variables, image orthicon tube performance stabili...
Development of large aperture spaceborne telescope and high resolution ultraviolet photometry for or...
The machine readable catalog, as it is distributed from the Astronomical Data Center, is described. ...
Wide field measurements, namely, measurements of relative angular separations between stars over a r...
Sighting problems associated with sextant type measurement of star position for space navigatio
Predicting star magnitude which can be seen with naked eye or sextant through spacecraft windo
Wide angle optical pickup systems for generating visual displays for manned space flight simulatio
Electronically scanned star sensor with digital output for orbiting astronomical telescop
Predicting star magnitude visible through contaminated spacecraft window by naked eye or sextan
Breadboard model of star detector device consisting of thin film photosensitive and high dielectric ...
Electronic, optical, mechanical, and electron packaging component and system design reviews for high...
Input imaging medium selection for recording candidate star field to be recognized and tracked by ho...
Fabrication and testing of antenna system for use with airborne range and orbit determination transp...
Design and testing of solid state TV camera, FM TV transmitter, and AM baseband telemetry for space ...
Assessments of present and future sensors and sensor related technology are reported along with a de...
Astronomical observations of short period cluster variables, image orthicon tube performance stabili...
Development of large aperture spaceborne telescope and high resolution ultraviolet photometry for or...
The machine readable catalog, as it is distributed from the Astronomical Data Center, is described. ...
Wide field measurements, namely, measurements of relative angular separations between stars over a r...
Sighting problems associated with sextant type measurement of star position for space navigatio