Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Progress made in different tasks of the advanced thermionic technology program is described. The tas...
The current emphasis is on out-of-core thermionic conversion (TEC). The additional degrees of freedo...
Performance tests on electron tubes with pore dispenser cathodes, coated particle cathodes, standard...
Fabrication and testing of diodes for pore-type dispenser, coated particle, and barium strontium cat...
Performance and life capabilities of standard oxide cathode, pore-dispenser, and coated particle cat...
Life capabilities of nickel cathode alloys with oxide cathodes and coated particle cathodes in test ...
An update on the life testing of commerical, high current density impregnated tungsten cathodes is p...
Thermionic research and development program - improvement of performance of low emitter temperature ...
Research progress is briefly outlined in the areas of activation experiments, enchanced mode convers...
Work performed on this contract was primarily for the evaluation of selected electrode materials for...
Rhenium electrode material investigation and performance studies of low temperature cesium vapor the...
Construction and evaluation for spacecraft use of hydrogen-oxygen fired thermionic generators and di...
Technological processes in out-of-core thermionic energy conversion are described. The emphasis was ...
The cathode life test program sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center at Watkins-Johnson Company has...
Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Progress made in different tasks of the advanced thermionic technology program is described. The tas...
The current emphasis is on out-of-core thermionic conversion (TEC). The additional degrees of freedo...
Performance tests on electron tubes with pore dispenser cathodes, coated particle cathodes, standard...
Fabrication and testing of diodes for pore-type dispenser, coated particle, and barium strontium cat...
Performance and life capabilities of standard oxide cathode, pore-dispenser, and coated particle cat...
Life capabilities of nickel cathode alloys with oxide cathodes and coated particle cathodes in test ...
An update on the life testing of commerical, high current density impregnated tungsten cathodes is p...
Thermionic research and development program - improvement of performance of low emitter temperature ...
Research progress is briefly outlined in the areas of activation experiments, enchanced mode convers...
Work performed on this contract was primarily for the evaluation of selected electrode materials for...
Rhenium electrode material investigation and performance studies of low temperature cesium vapor the...
Construction and evaluation for spacecraft use of hydrogen-oxygen fired thermionic generators and di...
Technological processes in out-of-core thermionic energy conversion are described. The emphasis was ...
The cathode life test program sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center at Watkins-Johnson Company has...
Long term testing of cylindrical diodes and irradiation of fuel and insulators - thermionic converte...
Progress made in different tasks of the advanced thermionic technology program is described. The tas...
The current emphasis is on out-of-core thermionic conversion (TEC). The additional degrees of freedo...