Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komunitas rayap akibat alih guna hutan dan hubungannya dengan faktor lingkungan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2011 sampai Juni 2013. Dilaksanakan di wilayah Taman Nasional Lore Lindu di sekitar Desa Rahmat, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi. Pengamatan rayap dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode transek. Parameter yang diamati adalah parameter lingkungan, iklim mikro, sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Total diversitas rayap yang ditemukan adalah 20 spesies, yang terdiri dari 15 spesies pada hutan primer, 15 spesies pada hutan sekunder dan 8 spesies pada agroforestri. Biomassa pohon tertinggi pada hutan primer (620,91 Mg/ha), nekromas dan jumlah seresah tertinggi pada hutan sekunder yaitu masing...
At present the population growth is increasing which causes many people to encroach on the forest ar...
The large of marginal land in North Lampung will require careful planning towards to succeeded of th...
Permasalahan lingkungan terjadi di beberapa tempat di Indonesia, seperti banjir, longsor, ketersedia...
This study aims to assess the structure and communities of termite caused by changes in land use. Th...
Land as a limited resource has been under much pressure due to increasing population which has lead ...
This research was about “Tress diversity on the two different types of forest in area of Lore Lindu ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon morfo-fisiologis dan produksi tanaman talas lokal dan g...
Termites play important roles in organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil structure ...
The research about the understorey plant community in the Lore Lindu National Park Central Sulawesi ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon morfo-fisiologis dan produksi tanaman talas lokal dan g...
The biggest threat to Indonesian forest is the rise of new palm oil plantation. Indonesia ranked the...
The title of this research is “Herbs plant species diversity at two forest types of Lore Lindu Natio...
Indonesia's forest covers about 133 million hectares. Local people of Pulau Laut in Kalimantan used ...
Lore Lindu National Park is a part of Wallacea line which is precisely located in Central Sulawesi. ...
Indonesia's forest covers about 133 million hectares. Local people of Pulau Laut in Kalimantan used ...
At present the population growth is increasing which causes many people to encroach on the forest ar...
The large of marginal land in North Lampung will require careful planning towards to succeeded of th...
Permasalahan lingkungan terjadi di beberapa tempat di Indonesia, seperti banjir, longsor, ketersedia...
This study aims to assess the structure and communities of termite caused by changes in land use. Th...
Land as a limited resource has been under much pressure due to increasing population which has lead ...
This research was about “Tress diversity on the two different types of forest in area of Lore Lindu ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon morfo-fisiologis dan produksi tanaman talas lokal dan g...
Termites play important roles in organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil structure ...
The research about the understorey plant community in the Lore Lindu National Park Central Sulawesi ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon morfo-fisiologis dan produksi tanaman talas lokal dan g...
The biggest threat to Indonesian forest is the rise of new palm oil plantation. Indonesia ranked the...
The title of this research is “Herbs plant species diversity at two forest types of Lore Lindu Natio...
Indonesia's forest covers about 133 million hectares. Local people of Pulau Laut in Kalimantan used ...
Lore Lindu National Park is a part of Wallacea line which is precisely located in Central Sulawesi. ...
Indonesia's forest covers about 133 million hectares. Local people of Pulau Laut in Kalimantan used ...
At present the population growth is increasing which causes many people to encroach on the forest ar...
The large of marginal land in North Lampung will require careful planning towards to succeeded of th...
Permasalahan lingkungan terjadi di beberapa tempat di Indonesia, seperti banjir, longsor, ketersedia...