International audienceWe consider a flat Universe filled with a vacuum energy coupled to matter and radiation by respectively positive coupling functions Qm and Qr. We require that these functions be such as Universe exits from inflation to go to a radiation dominated epoch and allow us to reproduce the observed ΛCDM expansion after this last epoch. These requirements lead to some necessary constraints on the coupling functions. We then look at one of the simplest forms of Qm and Qr able to satisfy them. The cosmological model thus defined describes a Universe with an initial singularity and endless alternated periods of accelerated and decelerated expansion (one of them being our ΛCDM Universe) unifying inflation and present time expansion...
The big bang singularity could be understood as a breakdown of Einstein’s General Relativity at very...
Despite the fact that a rigid Λ-term is a fundamental building block of the concordance ΛCDM model, ...
We build a strict mathematical model of thermodynamic equilibrium establishment in an originally non...
In the present mainstream cosmology, matter and space-time emerged from a singularity and evolved th...
International audienceWe propose a simple model that provides a dynamical cancellation mechanism of ...
We propose a cosmological model in which the universe undergoes an endless sequence of cosmic epochs...
A QED–based model of a new version of Vacuum Energy has recently been suggested, which leads to a si...
We propose a novel cosmological scenario with the space-time emerging from a pure initial de Sitter ...
The ambition of this article is to establish a fundamental model of our expanding universe in a mini...
The ambition of this article is to establish a fundamental model of our expanding universe in a mini...
We investigate cosmological scenarios in the theory of gravity with the scalar field possessing a no...
A detailed analysis shows that the principle of energy conservation – presumed in General Relativity...
Based on the strict mathematical model of restoration of thermodynamic equilibrium in an originally ...
We develop a cosmological model based on a quadratic equation of state (p/c^2=-(alpha+1){rho^2}/{rho...
A QED-based model of a new version of vacuum energy has recently been suggested, which leads to a si...
The big bang singularity could be understood as a breakdown of Einstein’s General Relativity at very...
Despite the fact that a rigid Λ-term is a fundamental building block of the concordance ΛCDM model, ...
We build a strict mathematical model of thermodynamic equilibrium establishment in an originally non...
In the present mainstream cosmology, matter and space-time emerged from a singularity and evolved th...
International audienceWe propose a simple model that provides a dynamical cancellation mechanism of ...
We propose a cosmological model in which the universe undergoes an endless sequence of cosmic epochs...
A QED–based model of a new version of Vacuum Energy has recently been suggested, which leads to a si...
We propose a novel cosmological scenario with the space-time emerging from a pure initial de Sitter ...
The ambition of this article is to establish a fundamental model of our expanding universe in a mini...
The ambition of this article is to establish a fundamental model of our expanding universe in a mini...
We investigate cosmological scenarios in the theory of gravity with the scalar field possessing a no...
A detailed analysis shows that the principle of energy conservation – presumed in General Relativity...
Based on the strict mathematical model of restoration of thermodynamic equilibrium in an originally ...
We develop a cosmological model based on a quadratic equation of state (p/c^2=-(alpha+1){rho^2}/{rho...
A QED-based model of a new version of vacuum energy has recently been suggested, which leads to a si...
The big bang singularity could be understood as a breakdown of Einstein’s General Relativity at very...
Despite the fact that a rigid Λ-term is a fundamental building block of the concordance ΛCDM model, ...
We build a strict mathematical model of thermodynamic equilibrium establishment in an originally non...