Im August 2002 veröffentlichten Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal und Nitin Saxena, alle drei Informatiker und Mathematiker am "Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur", den ersten deterministischen Primzahltest mit polynomialer Laufzeit. Der sogenannte AKS Test war eine Sensation, denn bis zur Veröffentlichung war nicht bekannt, ob es überhaupt einen derartigen Primzahltest gibt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit machen wir eine Reise durch mehr als 2000 Jahre Primzahltests. Dabei werden wir die fundamentalsten und bekanntesten Primzahltests vorstellen - angefangen beim Sieb des Eratosthenes über Fermat, Miller-Rabin, Lucas und Primzahltests basierend auf elliptischen Kurven bis hin zum gefeierten AKS Test. Am Ende gehen wir der Frage nach, welcher Pr...
V předložené práci studujeme testy prvočíselnosti. Test prvočíselnosti je algoritmus, který pro zada...
In the present work we study primality tests. A primality test is an algorithm for determining wheth...
We present a formalisation of the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena (AKS) algorithm, a deterministic polynomial-t...
In 2002, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena, published an article presenting a deterministic, unconditional a...
In 2002, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena, published an article presenting a deterministic, unconditional a...
With the boom in information technology and the penetration of these technologies in an increasing n...
In August of 2002, three Indian computer scientists, Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal arid Nitin Saxen...
In this thesis, I review the problem of primality testing. More specifically, I review the AKS algor...
Tema ovog rada bit će testovi prostosti. Testove prostosti dijelimo na determinističke i vjerojatnos...
This paper presents the main tests of primality through a study on the base mathematics used to gua...
From the time of the Greeks, primality testing and factoring have fascinated mathematicians, and fo...
Abstract Determining whether any positive integer is definitively prime has been an open problem th...
Primes are used pervasively throughout modern society. E-commerce, privacy, and psuedorandom number ...
Orientador: Ricardo Miranda MartinsDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Ca...
In applied cryptography, RSA is a typical asymmetric algorithm, which is used in electronic transact...
V předložené práci studujeme testy prvočíselnosti. Test prvočíselnosti je algoritmus, který pro zada...
In the present work we study primality tests. A primality test is an algorithm for determining wheth...
We present a formalisation of the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena (AKS) algorithm, a deterministic polynomial-t...
In 2002, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena, published an article presenting a deterministic, unconditional a...
In 2002, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena, published an article presenting a deterministic, unconditional a...
With the boom in information technology and the penetration of these technologies in an increasing n...
In August of 2002, three Indian computer scientists, Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal arid Nitin Saxen...
In this thesis, I review the problem of primality testing. More specifically, I review the AKS algor...
Tema ovog rada bit će testovi prostosti. Testove prostosti dijelimo na determinističke i vjerojatnos...
This paper presents the main tests of primality through a study on the base mathematics used to gua...
From the time of the Greeks, primality testing and factoring have fascinated mathematicians, and fo...
Abstract Determining whether any positive integer is definitively prime has been an open problem th...
Primes are used pervasively throughout modern society. E-commerce, privacy, and psuedorandom number ...
Orientador: Ricardo Miranda MartinsDissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Ca...
In applied cryptography, RSA is a typical asymmetric algorithm, which is used in electronic transact...
V předložené práci studujeme testy prvočíselnosti. Test prvočíselnosti je algoritmus, který pro zada...
In the present work we study primality tests. A primality test is an algorithm for determining wheth...
We present a formalisation of the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena (AKS) algorithm, a deterministic polynomial-t...